Viser 401 treff
Næringsnett og miljøgifter i Gunneklevfjorden. Beslutningsgrunnlag og tiltaksplan for forurensede sedimenter i Gunneklevfjorden, Delrapport aktivitet 2
Marianne Olsen, Bjørnar Beylich, Hans Fredrik Veiteberg Braaten
Undersøkelse av sjøområdene i Arendal kommune 2015-2016 - Tilstanden ved utslippsstedene for kommunalt avløpsvann
Hilde C. Trannum, Jon Albretsen, Janne K. Gitmark, John A. Berge
The influence of physical factors on kelp and sea urchin distribution in previously and still grazed areas in the NE Atlantic
Eli Rinde, Hartvig C Christie, Camilla With Fagerli, Trine Bekkby, Hege Gundersen, Kjell Magnus Norderhaug
Årsrapport krypsivovervåking 2016
Therese Fosholt Moe, Kate Hawley
Presence, fate and effects of the intense sweetener sucralose in the aquatic environment
Knut-Erik Tollefsen, Luca Nizzetto, Duane B. Huggett
Variation in population structure and standing stocks of kelp along multiple environmental gradients and implications for ecosystem services
Hege Gundersen, Eli Rinde, Trine Bekkby, Kasper Hancke, Janne K Gitmark, Hartvig Christie
Sammenstilling av miljø- og algedata og modellering av brakkvannets tykkelse fra utvalgte lokaliteter i ulike fjordområder i Sogn og Fjordane
Torbjørn M. Johnsen, Kjersti Lundmark Daae, Evy Rigmor Lømsland
Transition towards sustainable waste valorization from agricultural production systems: Insights from salmon aquaculture and aquaponics
Jay Gregg, Dorothy Sutherland Olsen, Valentina Elena Tartiu
Diversity and seasonal dynamics of small dinoflagellates in the Skagerrak, Norway revealed by 454 pyrosequencing and microscopy
Bente Edvardsen, Sandra Gran Stadniczenko, Wenche Eikrem, Vladyslava Hostyeva, Ramiro Logares, Elianne Sirnæs Egge
Diversity and dynamics of marine haptophytes and their viruses
Bente Edvardsen, Elianne Sirnæs Egge, Johannessen Torill Vik, Ruth-Anne Sandaa, Wenche Eikrem, Aud Larsen
Phylogenetic reconstruction of the Haptophyta inferred from 18S ribosomal DNA sequences and available morphological data
Bente Edvardsen, Wenche Eikrem, John C. Green, Robert A. Andersen, Seung Moon-van der Staay, Linda K. Medlin
Coastal habitat mapping with UAV multi-sensor data: an experiment among DCNN-based approaches
Yi Liu, Qinghui Liu, James Edward Sample, Kasper Hancke, Arnt Børre Salberg
Top-down release of mesopredatory fish is a weaker structuring driver of temperate rocky shore communities than bottom-up nutrient enrichment
Patrik Kraufvelin, Hartvig C Christie, Janne Kim Gitmark
Organic chemicals associated with rubber are more toxic to marine algae and bacteria than those of thermoplastics
Lisbet Sørensen, Tania Gomes, Amaia Igartua, Inger Larsen Lyngstad, Ana Catarina Almeida, Martin Wagner
Impacts of ocean warming and acidification on predator-prey interactions in the intertidal zone: A research weaving approach
Matheus Guarizo, Juan C. F. Pardo, Fernando Rafael De Grande, Catarina Vinagre, Tânia Marcia Costa
Development and Application of a Biotic Ligand Model for Predicting the Chronic Toxicity of Dissolved and Precipitated Aluminum to Aquatic Organisms
Robert C Santore, Adam C Ryan, Frode Kroglund, Patricio H Rodriguez, William A Stubblefield, Allison S Cardwell
The Effect of Optical Properties on Secchi Depth and Implications for Eutrophication Management
E Therese Harvey, Jakob Walve, Agneta Andersson, Bengt Karlson, Susanne Kratzer
Assessment of microbial activity in water based on hydrogen peroxide decomposition rates
Lars-Flemming Pedersen, Paula Rojas-Tirado, Erik Arvin, Per Bovbjerg Pedersen
A single pulse of diffuse contaminants alters the size distribution of natural phytoplankton communities
Didier L Baho, Francesco Pomati, Eva Leu, Dag O Hessen, S Jannicke Moe, Jon Norberg
Olisthodiscus represents a new class of Ochrophyta
Dovilė Barcytė, Wenche Eikrem, Anette Engesmo, Sergio Seoane, Jens Wohlmann, Aleš Horák