Viser 7261 treff
Effect of Photo-Oxidation on Size, Structure and Biodegradability of Dissolved Natural Organic Matter
Janaki Rajakumar, Rolf David Vogt, Tom Andersen
Antibodies to azaspiracids – Production & application
Ingunn Anita Samdal, L.R. Briggs, Christopher Owen Miles, Craig J. Forsyth, Son T. Nguyen, Jianyan Xu
Can temperature programs replace solvent gradients in HPLC?
Tyge Greibrokk, Elsa Lundanes, Pål Molander, Roger Trones, Thomas Andersen, Anders Holm
Hydropower: gas supersaturation and the role of aquatic plant photosynthesis for fish health
Benoît Olivier Laurent Demars, Peter Dörsch, Kirstine Thiemer, Francois Clayer, Susanne Claudia Schneider, Sebastian Franz Stranzl
Plenary presentation: Science and Knowledge: Gaps and Priorities. Reflections from the AMAP Working Group
Amy Lusher
Problem formulation: what we know and what we need to know?
Amy Lusher, Sebastian Primpke, Gert Everaert
Animals and microplastics: ingestion, transport, breakdown, and trophic transfer
Jennifer F. Provencher, Sarah Y. Au, Dorothy Horn, Mark L. Mallory, Tony R. Walker, Joshua Kurek
Climate change and uncertainty: Politics and perspectives
Shilpi Srivastava, Lyla Mehta, Hans Nicolai Adam
Molecular authentication and characterization of the antiviral activity of the cyanobacterium Arthrospira fusiformis
M. Sharaf, A. Amara, A. Aboul-Enein, S. Helmi, Andreas Ballot, A. Astani
Ocean acidification and some indicators of organismal and ecosystem response
Richard Bellerby
Bio-optics and ecology in Emiliania huxleyi blooms: Field and remote sensing studies in Norwegian water
Erlend Kjeldsberg Hovland, Geir Johnsen, Egil Sakshaug, Are Folkestad
Bioorthogonal Non-canonical Amino Acid Tagging Combined With Flow Cytometry for Determination of Activity in Aquatic Microorganisms
Mathilde Lindivat, Aud Larsen, Ole Kristian Hess-Erga, Gunnar Bratbak, Ingunn Hoell
Silver and titanium nanomaterials present in wastewater have toxic effects on crustaceans and fish cells
Anastasia Georgantzopoulou
Effects of silver nanoparticles and ions and interaction with first line of defense
Arno Gutleb, Albertinka J. Murk, Anastasia Georgantzopoulou
Mapping of contamination problem areas in Europe’s seas using a multi-metric indicator-based assessment tool
Jesper Harbo Andersen, Miguel Caetano, Anne Grouhel-Pellouin, E. Therese Harvey, Johnny Reker, Ciaran Joseph Murray
Macrophytes as habitat for fish
Hartvig C Christie, Guri Sogn Andersen, Lise Ann Tveiten, Frithjof Emil Moy
Nordic Seas transit-time distributions and anthopogenic CO2
Are Olsen, Abdirahman Omar, Emil Jeansson, L. G. Anderson, Richard Bellerby
Photosynthetic responses as a function of light and temperature: Field and laboratory studies on marine microalgae
Kasper Hancke, Geir Johnsen
Wolf predation on moose in Scandinavia: Local different effects on the moose population
Petter Wabakken, Hans Haagenrud, Torstein Storaas, Hege Gundersen, Ole Knut Steinset
Cascade: An Edge Computing Platform for Real-time Machine Intelligence
Weijia Song, Yuting Yang, Thompson Liu, Andrea Merlina, Thiago Garrett, Roman Vitenberg