Viser 7261 treff
Cumulative Hazard and Risk Assessment of Pesticides from agricultural activities
Knut-Erik Tollefsen, Guri Sogn Andersen, Merete Grung, Marit Hauken, Sophie Mentzel, S. Jannicke Moe
Correction: Caught in the middle: bottom up and top down processes impacting recruitment in a small pelagic fish (Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, (2022), 10.1007/s11160-022-09739-2)
Marta Moyano, Björn Illing, Anna Akimova, Katharina Alter, Valerio Bartolino, Gregor Börner
Climate and the match or mismatch between predator requirements and resource availability
Joël M. Durant, Dag Ø. Hjermann, Geir Ottersen, Nils Chr. Stenseth
Establishment and validation of an amended phosphorus index: Refined phosphorus loss assessment of an agriculture watershed in Northern China
Bin Zhou, Rolf David Vogt, Chong-Yu Xu, Xue-qiang Lu, Hongliang Xu, Bishnu Prasad Joshi
Groundwater salinity in lower Shire River valley (Malawi): Hydro-geochemical and isotope constraints on sources and evolution
Rolf David Vogt, Per Aagaard, John D.K. Saka, Maurice Monjerezi
Carbon sequestration and zooplankton lunar cycles: Could we be missing a major component of the biological pump?
Santiago Hernández-León, Gara Franchy, Marta Moyano, Inmaculada Menéndez, Claire Schmoker, Sébastien Putzeys
Short-term molecular and physiological responses to heat stress in neritic copepods Acartia tonsa and Eurytemora affinis
Janina Rahlff, Janna Peters, Marta Moyano, Ole Pless, Carsten Claussen, Myron A. Peck
Pulse of dissolved organic matter alters reciprocal carbon subsidies between autotrophs and bacteria in stream food webs
Benoît O. L. Demars, Nikolai Friberg, Barry Thornton
Identification of multiple chromosomal inversions and fusions in a keystone Arctic species with high gene flow
Siv Nam Khang Hoff, Marius Filomeno Maurstad, Le Moan Alan, Mark Ravinet, Joël Durant, Ole K. Tørresen
X. Huang, M. Sillanpää, Egil Gjessing, Sirpa Peräniemi, Rolf David Vogt
Oxygen imaging at the sediment-water interface using lifetime-based laser induced fluorescence (τLIF) of nano-sized particles
E Murniati, D Gross, H Herlina, Kasper Hancke, RN Glud, Andreas Lorke
Photogeneration of singlet oxygen by humic substances: Comparison of humic substances of aquatic and terrestrial origin
Andrea Paul, Steffen Hackbarth, Rolf David Vogt, Beate Röder, B. Kent Burnison, Christian E.W. Steinberg
Isotopic methods for non-destructive assessment of carbon dynamics in shrublands under long-term climate change manipulation
Louise C. Andresen, Maria T. Domínguez, Sabine Reinsch, Andrew R. Smith, Inger K. Schmidt, Per Ambus
Release of dissolved trace metals and organic contaminants during deep water disposal of contaminated sediments from Oslo harbour, Norway
Morten Schaanning, Christopher Peter Harman, André Staalstrøm
The BIOZO process - a biofilm system combined with ozonation: occurrence of xenobiotic organic micro-pollutants in and removal of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and nitrogen from landfill leachate
Benedek Plosz, Christian Vogelsang, Kenneth John Macrae, Harald Hasle Heiaas, Antonio Lopez, Helge Liltved
Long-term exposure of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) to components of produced water: condition, gonad maturation, and gene expression
Tor Fredrik Holth, Anders Thorsen, Pål Asgeir Olsvik, Ketil Hylland
Sediment and society: an approach for assessing management of contaminated sediments and stakeholder involvement in Norway
Amy Marie Patrin Oen, Magnus Sparrevik, David Nicholas Barton, Udaya Sekhar Nagothu, Gerald Jan Ellen, Gijs D. Breedveld
Trends and patterns in surface water chemistry in Europe and North America between 1990 and 2020, with a focus on calcium
Rolf David Vogt, Jens Arle, Kari Austnes, Herman Van Dam, Martyn Futter, Jens Fölster
Understanding the threats to blue forests and how to address them
Hege Gundersen
Mapping and monitoring Norwegian’s Coastal Zone with GNSS
Henrik Aulie Søvik, Kasper Hancke, Trine Bekkby, Hege Gundersen