Viser 723 treff
Repeated environmental baseline survey at AF Miljøbase Vats in conjugation with the Ekofisk cessation EPRD project
Jonny Beyer, Astri Jæger Kvassnes, Jarle Håvardstun, Mats Walday, Hege Gundersen, Morten Schaanning
Environmental impacts of produced water and drilling waste discharges from the Norwegian offshore petroleum industry
Torgeir Heggelund Bakke, Jarle Klungsøyr, Steinar Sanni
Relative impacts of multiple human stressors in estuaries and coastal waters in the North Sea–Baltic Sea transition zone
Jesper H Andersen, Zyad Al-Hamdani, E Thérèse Harvey, Emilie Kallenbach, Ciarán Murray, Andy Stock
Interannual Variabilities of Nutrients and Phytoplankton off the Changjiang Estuary in Response to Changing River Inputs
Jianzhong Ge, Shenyang Shi, Jie Liu, Yi Xu, Changsheng Chen, Richard Bellerby
Assuring the integrity of offshore carbon dioxide storage
D.P. Connelly, J.M. Bull, A. Flohr, A. Schaap, D. Koopmans, J.C. Blackford
Sources of skill in lake temperature, discharge and ice-off seasonal forecasting tools
Francois Clayer, Leah Jackson-Blake, Daniel Mercado-Bettín, Muhammed Shikhani, Andrew French, Tadhg Moore
A synthesis of the ecosystem responses to the late 20th century cold period in the northern North Atlantic
Kenneth F. Drinkwater, Trond Kristiansen
Why scale is vital to plan optimal Nature-Based Solutions for resilient cities
MG Hutchins, D Fletcher, A Hagen-Zanker, H Jia, L Jones, H Li
The Norwegian Water Column Monitoring programme 2021: Assessing the impacts of Ekofisk and Eldfisk offshore oil and gas installations on the marine environment
Steven Brooks, Shaw Duncan Bamber, Bjørn Einar Grøsvik, Daniela Maria Pampanin, Alessio Gomiero, Samantha Eslava Martins
Lake spawning brown trout. Long-run effects of acidification and different liming strategies on egg survival and recruitment in Store Hovvatn and Vegår, Aust-Agder.
Bjørn Torgeir Barlaup, Einar Kleiven
Experimental addition of nitrogen to a whole forest ecosystem at Gårdsjön, Sweden (NITREX): Nitrate leaching during 26 years of treatment
Filip Moldan, Sara Jutterström, Jakub Hruska, Richard Frederic Wright
Monitoring of the outer Oslofjord - inputs and surveys in the water masses in 2013. Technical report
Mats Walday, John Rune Selvik, Marit Norli
Forekomst av organiske miljøgifter i overvann Organic micropollutants in storm water runoff
Tor Gunnar Jantsch, Oddvar Lindholm, Frode Hult, Kristian Strand
Updating of states in operational hydrological models
Oddbjørn Bruland, Sjur Kolberg, Kolbjørn Engeland, Lena S Tøfte, Ashenafi Seifu Gragne, Glen Liston
Effects of climate change on the mobilization of total organic carbon (TOC) and nitrogen (TON) - A field experiment
Kari Austnes, Ståle Haaland, Arne O. Stuanes
Oppsummering av kunnskap om kalksjølokaliteter som er «utvalgt naturtype»
Marit Mjelde
Helhetlig planlegging i vannregion Glomma. Erfaringer fra planprosessen 2010-2016 og innspill til neste planperiode
Frode Sundnes, Gro Sandkjær Hanssen, Line Johanne Barkved, Sindre Langaas
Samordna transportplan for Tromsø. Hovedrapport
Gunnar Sander
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions at home or abroad? A study on the supplementarity requirement for the flexibility mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol
Froukje Maria Platjouw
Vurdering av MAREANOs opplegg for grabbprøvetaking av sedimentfauna. Harmonisering med prøvetaking etter Norsk Standard
Torgeir Heggelund Bakke, Hector Andrade, Kari Elsa Ellingsen, Karl Norling, Eivind Oug