Viser 7260 treff
Contrasting neurochemical and behavioral profiles reflects stress coping styles but not stress responsiveness in farmed gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata)
Erik Höglund, Maria Moltesen, Maria Filipa Castanheira, Per-Ove Thörnqvist, Patricia IM Silva, Øyvind Øverli
Polymer Type Identification of Marine Plastic Litter Using a Miniature Near-Infrared Spectrometer (MicroNIR)
Svetlana Pakhomova, Igor Zhdanov, Bert van Bavel
Biological effects monitoring of a thermomechanical cleaned cuttings discharge from the Johan Sverdrup installation
Steven Brooks, Shaw Duncan Bamber, Alessio Gomiero
9th ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD 2008)
Roger Lee, Pornsiri Muenchaisri, Walter Dosch
Assessment of costs and benefits for farmers, water companies and society from using Decision Support Tools
Berit Hasler, Fiona Nicholson, John Williams, Rachel cassidy, Peter Lendertsee, Marije Hoogendoorn
NBS and climate adaptation: outcomes from Norwegian planning
Mina Di Marino, Ingvild Furuset, Gunnhild Storbekkrønning, Caroline Enge
Micronutrient levels of global tropical reef fish communities differ from fisheries capture
Conor Waldock, Eva Maire, Camille Albouy, Vania Andreoli, Maria Beger, Thomas Claverie
Pastoralism and rangelands: people and institutions – a glossary of terms
Dana Kelly, Ann Waters-Bayer, Tungalag Ulambayar, Kathrine Ivsett Johnsen, Chris Magero, Maryam Niamir-Fuller
Autonomous Surface and Underwater Vehicles as Effective Ecosystem Monitoring and Research Platforms in the Arctic—The Glider Project
Lionel Camus, Hector Antonio Andrade Rodriguez, Ana Sofia Aniceto, Magnus Aune, Kanchana Bandara, Sünnje Linnéa Basedow
Novel large-scale mapping highlights poor state of sea trout populations
Peder Fiske, Torbjørn Forseth, Eva Bonsak Thorstad, Vegar Bakkestuen, Sigurd Einum, Morten Falkegård
Toward valuable weather and sea ice services for the marine Arctic
Maaike Knol-Kauffman, Jelmer Jeuring, Anders Doksæter Sivle
Role of across-shelf currents in the dynamics of harmful dinoflagellate blooms in the northwestern Iberian upwelling
Bibiana Gomez Crespo, FG Figueiras, S Groom
Method development for mapping kelp using drones and satellite images: Results from the KELPMAP-Vega project
Hege Gundersen, Kasper Hancke, Arnt Børre Salberg, Robert Nøddebo Poulsen, Toms Buls, Izzie Yi Liu
Quantitative and qualitative analysis of retinoids in Artemia and copepods by HPLC and diode array detection,
Mari Moren, Thomas Erik Gundersen, Kristin Hamre
Tiltaksplan for Bergen havn. Fase II
Amy Oen, Anne Kibsgaard, Oddvar Lindholm, Frode Uriansrud, Olaug Godøy, Morten Jartun
Overvåking av Ytre Oslofjord 2014-2018. Årsrapport for 2017
Mats Gunnar Walday, Janne Kim Gitmark, Lars Johan Naustvoll, John Rune Selvik
Miljøgiftregnskap for tiltaksområder i Oslo Havn
Morten Schaanning, Aud Helland, Oddvar Lindholm, Hans Christer Nilsson, c vogelsang
Freshwater treatment of amoebic gill disease and sea-lice in seawater salmon production: considerations of water chemistry and fish welfare
Mark Darryn Powell, Torstein Kristensen
Implications of elevated CO2 on pelagic carbon fluxes in an Arctic mesocosm study - an elemental mass balance approach
Jan Czerny, Kai G. Schulz, Tim Boxhammer, Richard Bellerby, Jan Büdenbender, Anja Engel
Secchi depth in the Oslofjord-Skagerrak area: theory, experiments and relationships to other quantities
Eyvind Aas, Jo Høkedal, Kai Sørensen