Viser 7260 treff
Bio-optical properties and spectral attenuation of photosynthetically available radiation: relation to primary productivity and phytoplankton composition. In Proceedings from Arctic Frontiers: balancing human use and ecosystem protection
Kasper Hancke, Geir Johnsen, Egil Sakshaug
Temperature effects on photosynthesis and respiration - old and new methods
Kasper Hancke, Torunn Beate Johansen, Lasse Mork Olsen
Calcification and Nutrient uptake stoichiometry: biogeochemical response and feedback to ocean acidification
Richard Bellerby, Bruno Delille, Ulf Riebesell, Craig Chandler Neill, Gisle Nondal, Kai Schultz
Surface Ocean CO2 Variability and Vulnerabilities: The Arctic Ocean and Nordic Seas
Are Olsen, Siv K. Lauvseth, Ingunn Skjelvan, Abdirahman Omar, Richard Bellerby, Truls Johannessen
North Atlantic and Arctic Ocean marine carbonate system response to climate change and ocean acidification
Richard Bellerby
Capacity building in water sciences for improved assessment and management of water resources
John D.K. Saka, Lena M. Tallaksen, Rolf David Vogt
Streamwater, soil-water chemistry, and water flow paths at Birkenes during a dry-wet hydrological cycle
Rolf David Vogt, Dag Olav Andersen, Sjur Andersen, Nils Damm Christophersen, Jan Mulder
Effects of chemically and mechanically dispersed oil on fitness-related and molecular endpoints in the North Atlantic copepod Calanus finmarchicus
Bjørn Henrik Hansen, Dag Altin, Anders Johny Olsen, Kristin Fløgstad Degnes, Trond Røvik Størseth, Håvard Sletta
Trends in soil water composition at a heavily polluted site - effects of decreased S-deposition and variations in precipitation
Rolf David Vogt, Hans Martin Seip, Hege Orefellen, Gunnar Skotte, Christina Irgens, Jan Tyszka
Water analysis of anions and cations
Rolf David Vogt, Hege Orefellen
Prolonged frost increases release of C and N from a montane heathland soil in southern Norway
Kari Austnes, Live Semb Vestgarden
The impact of cyanobacteria on growth and death of opportunistic pathogenic bacteria
Anne-Marie Bomo, Ingun Tryland, Sigrid Haande, Camilla H. Corneliussen Hagman, Hans Chr. Utkilen
Diverging trends in Ca and Mg under chemical recovery
Rolf David Vogt, Kari Austnes, Heleen de Wit, Cathrine Brecke Gundersen
Differences in the Fate of Surface and Subsurface Microplastics: A Case Study in the Central Atlantic
Igor Zhdanov, Svetlana Pakhomova, Anfisa Berezina, Ksenia Silvestrova, Natalia Stepanova, Evgeniy Yakushev
Forprosjekt Ren Frier
Henrik Jonsson, Andre Staalstrøm, Espen Eek, Magnus Norling, Anders Ruus, Benno Dillinger
Development of microbiological molecular diagnostic techniques for the rapid screening and identification of selected human bacterial pathogens and indicators
Marc Anglès d'Auriac
Modeled buoyancy of eggs and larvae of the deep-sea shrimp Aristeus antennatus (Crustacea: Decapoda) in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea
Morane Clavel-Henry, Jordi Solé, Trond Kristiansen, Nixon Bahamon, Guiomar Rotllant, Joan B. Company
Assessment of marine sediment remediation efficiency with SPME-based passive sampling measurement
Ian J Allan, Violette Raffard, Alfhild Kringstad, Kristoffer Næs
The impact of an abandoned mercury mine on the environment in the Xiushan region, Chongqing, southwestern China
Xiaohang Xu, Yan Lin, Bo Meng, Xinbin Feng, Zhidong Xu, Yuping Jiang
Terrestrial organic matter increases zooplankton methylmercury accumulation in a brown-water boreal lake
Amanda E Poste, Cathrine Skaar Hoel, Tom Andersen, Michael T Arts, Per-Johan Færøvig, Katrine Borgå