Viser 6859 treff
Uranium -speciation, uptake and toxicity towards Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar)
Hans-Christian Teien, Dag Anders Brede, Keke Zheng, Yetneberk Ayalew Kassaye, Ole Christian Lind, You Song
NOM catchment modeling
Ståle Leif Haaland, Bjørnar Eikebrokk, Nils-Otto Kitterød, Gunnhild Riise, Rolf David Vogt
History, development and future use of distribution modelling in research and management
Trine Bekkby
Risk assessment of lead exposure from cervid meat in Norwegian consumers and in hunting dogs
Helle Katrine Knutsen, Anne Lise Brantsæter, Christiane Kruse Fæste, Anders Ruus, Aksel Bernhoft, Robin Ørnsrud
Effect of Size Distribution and Fe (Iron) Fractionation of Natural Organic Matter on Fluorescence and UV/VIS Spectroscopy
Said Yemille Ortega Rosales, Rolf David Vogt
Watershed Eutrophication management in China through system oriented process modelling of Pressures, Impacts and Abatement actions
Bin Zhou, Rolf David Vogt, Ming Yang, Tom Andersen, Geir Orderud, Xueqiang Lu
Uptake and effect of different oxidation states of antimony in Atlantic salmon (salmo salar)
Lene Sørlie Heier, Espen Mariussen, You Song, Hans-Christian Teien, Merethe Kleiven, Bjørn Olav Rosseland
Seasonal variation of total mercury (Hg), metallothionein and catalase in black-legged kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla)
Ida Beathe Øverjordet, Magnus Brunvoll Kongsrud, Torunn Berg, Anita Evenset, Guttorm N. Christensen, Anders Ruus
Mercury accumulation in planktonic food webs from Atlantic and Arctic water masses around Spitsbergen
Ida Beathe Øverjordet, Torunn Berg, Anders Ruus, Anita Evenset, Guttorm Christensen, Jan Ove Bustnes
Rapid desorption of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from Oslo harbor sediments and its bioavailability to Hinia reticulata
Amy M.P. Oen, Gerard Cornelissen, Gijs D. Breedveld, Morten Schaanning, Anders Ruus, Torsten Kallqvist
Hunters' satisfaction as affected by ptarmigan density and hunting practice
Erik Faye-Schjøll, Hans Christian Pedersen, Torstein Storaas, Håkon Solvang, Hege Gundersen, Oddgeir Andersen
The effect of scent-marking, forest clearing and supplemental feeding on moose-train collisions
Harry P. Andreassen, Hege Gundersen, Torstein Storaas
Factors influencing activities of biotransformation enzymes, concentrations and compositional patterns of organochlorine contaminants in members of a marine food web
Anders Ruus, Morten Sandvik, KI Ugland, Janneche Utne Skåre
What stories will Eutropia and Refresh tell?
Rolf David Vogt
Training and Communication Across Disciplines and Methodological Approaches in Marine Science
Christian Lindemann, Øyvind Fiksen, Susanne Menden-Deuer, Aditee Mitra
Monitoring of phosphorus fractions – Understanding geochemical and hydrological processes governing the mobilization of phosphorus from terrestrial to aquatic environment
Christian Wilhelm Mohr, Rolf David Vogt, Tom Andersen, Oddvar Røyset
Comparison of simulations and observations in the Oslofjord
Karina Bakkeløkken Hjelmervik, Nils Melsom Kristensen, Andre Staalstrøm
Mercury in sediments and its bioaccumulation in fish in a contaminated fjord and in background freshwater lakes
Zakieh Izakian, Rolf David Vogt, Hans Fredrik Veiteberg Braaten
Forekomst af dyndsmerling undersøgt med eDNA screening
Jes Rasmussen, Liselotte Wesley Andersen, Søren Nøhr Thomsen, Morten Fejerskov, Martin Hesselsøe, Michael Deacon
Widening the scope of responsible innovation: food waste and the role of consumers
Ellen-Marie Forsberg, Matteo Corceolani, Julia Szulecka, Nhat Strøm-Andersen