Viser 3029 treff
Use of Diffusive Gradients in Thin Films to Predict Potentially Bioavailable Selenium in Soil
Trine A Sogn, Susanne Eich-Greatorex, Oddvar Røyset, Anne Falk Øgaard, Åsgeir Rossebø Almås
Oppfølgingsmøte om blå skog
Paul Ragnar Berg, Hege Gundersen, Kasper Hancke, Gunnar Sander, Solrun Figenschau Skjellum, Cecilie Linn Wathne
Tareskogen: Viktigere enn man tror
Hege Gundersen
Ongoing and future research needs on kelp
Kasper Hancke
Mapping kelp forests using multi-spectral drone images and convolution neural networks
Arnt Børre Salberg, Izzie Yi Liu, Hege Gundersen, Kasper Hancke
Drone and satellite activities for water applications at NIVA
E. Therese Harvey, Sabine Marty, Kai Sørensen, Kasper Hancke, Hege Gundersen
Seagrass restoration and the SeaBee drone infrastructure
Paul Ragnar Berg, Hege Gundersen, Kasper Hancke
SeaBee - Norwegian Infrastructure for Drone-based Research, Mapping and Monitoring in the Coastal Zone
Arnt-Børre Salberg, Izzie Yi Liu, Are Charles Jensen, Jarle Hamar Reksten, Joseph Landon Garrett, James Edward Sample
Into the Blue: Securing a Sustainable Future for Kelp Forests
Maria Potouroglou, Karen Filbee-Dexter, Steven Lutz, Gabriel Grimsditch, Linda Jonsson, Gunnar Sander
The SeaBee infrastructure for mapping and monitoring coastal habitats
Paul Ragnar Berg, Hege Gundersen, Kasper Hancke
SeaBee – a bird's-eye perspective on aquatic research
Kasper Hancke
Kasper Hancke
Slik skal forskarane kartlegge livet i fjøresteinane
Elisabeth Haddal Røsvik, Kasper Hancke, Mari Vold Bjordal
Understanding the threats to blue forests and how to address them
Hege Gundersen
Wizards of the Norwegian Coast
Guendalina de Luigi, Kasper Hancke, Robert Nøddebo Poulsen, Hege Gundersen, Kristina Øie Kvile, Øyvind Tangen Ødegaard
Stort droneprosjekt på Runde hjelper forskarar å sjå kystnaturen gjennom nye "briller"
Bjørnar Torvholm Sævik, Kasper Hancke
Gunnar Sander
Biodiversity and ecosystem services
Daniel Smale, M Thomsen, S Bennett, Carlos M. Duarte, Aron Eger, Karen Filbee-Dexter
Recent developments in kelp farming and mapping of blue carbon resources.
Kasper Hancke
Why are healthy blue forests so important?
Solrun Figenschau Skjellum