Viser 7260 treff
Intercomparison 1933: pH, Conductivity, Alkalinity, NO3-N, Cl, SO4, Ca, Mg, Na, K, TOC, Tot-P, Al, Fe, Mn, Cd, Pb, Cu, Ni, and Zn
Cathrine Brecke Gundersen
Linking mode of action of the model respiratory and photosynthesis uncoupler 3,5-dichlorophenol to adverse outcomes in Lemna minor
Li Xie, Tania Gomes, Knut Asbjørn Solhaug, You Song, Knut Erik Tollefsen
Distribution and abundance of the invasive seagrass Halophila stipulacea and associated benthic macrofauna in Carriacou, Grenadines, Eastern Caribbean
Robert E. Scheibling, David G Patriquin, Karen Filbee-Dexter
Incorporating facilitative interactions into small-scale eelgrass restoration—challenges and opportunities
Karine Gagnon, Hartvig C Christie, Karin Didderen, Camilla With Fagerli, Laura L. Govers, Max L. E. Gräfnings
Eutrophication in the Danish parts of the North Sea, Skagerrak and Kattegat 2006-2014. A literature-based status assessment
Jesper Harbo Andersen, Emilie Kallenbach, Ciarán Murray, Anna Birgitta Ledang
Mixing in the black sea detected from the temporal and spatial variability of oxygen and sulfide – Argo float observations and numerical modelling
Emil Vassilev Stanev, Yunchang He, Joanna Staneva, Evgeny Yakushev
Effects of hypo- and hyperoxia on transcription levels of five stress genes and the glutathione system in liver of Atlantic cod Gadus morhua
Pål Olsvik, Torstein Kristensen, Rune Waagbø, Knut-Erik Tollefsen, Bjørn Olav Rosseland, Hilde Toften
Samanlikning av aldersbestemming på gjellelokk og brende øyresteinar på åbor Perca fluviatilis frå fem innsjøar ved Fjorda, Oppland
Einar Kleiven, Arne Linløkken
Bachelor thesis - Relationships between habitat fragmentation, wave exposure, grazing intensity and growth of the intertidal seaweed species Fucus vesiculosus L.
Lucas Hayes, Trine Bekkby, Neus Sanmartí
Updating of states in operational hydrological models
Oddbjørn Bruland, Sjur Kolberg, Kolbjørn Engeland, Lena S Tøfte, Ashenafi Seifu Gragne, Glen Liston
Transition towards sustainable waste valorization from agricultural production systems: Insights from salmon aquaculture and aquaponics
Jay Gregg, Dorothy Sutherland Olsen, Valentina Elena Tartiu
A strategy for 454-pyrosequencing of ribosomal SSU DNA and RNA to more accurately assess protist diversity and relative abundance
Bente Edvardsen, Elianne Sirnæs Egge, Lucie Bittner, Stéphane Audic, Colomban de Vargas
Large-scale oceanic distribution and population structure of Calanus finmarchicus in relation to physical food and predators
Trine Dale, Stein Kaartvedt, Bjørnar Ellertsen, Rita Amundsen
Coastal habitat mapping with UAV multi-sensor data: an experiment among DCNN-based approaches
Yi Liu, Qinghui Liu, James Edward Sample, Kasper Hancke, Arnt Børre Salberg
Isotopic niche differs between seal and fish-eating killer whales (Orcinus orca) in northern Norway
Eve Jourdain, Clare Andvik, Richard Karoliussen, Anders Ruus, Dag Vongraven, Katrine Borgå
Congruence, but no cascade—Pelagic biodiversity across three trophic levels in Nordic lakes
Tom Andersen, Dag Olav Hessen, Johnny Peter Håll, Maryia Khomich, Marcia Kyle, Markus Lindholm
Growth responses of the nuisance algae Gonyostomum semen (Raphidophyceae) to DOC and associated alterations of light quality and quantity
Camilla Hedlund Corneliussen Hagman, Birger Skjelbred, Jan-Erik Thrane, Tom Andersen, Heleen A de Wit
Effects of increased irradiance on biomass, photobiology, nutritional quality, and pigment composition of Arctic sea ice algae
Lars Chresten Lund-Hansen, Ian Hawes, Kasper Hancke, Nicole Salmansen, Johanne Raakjær Nielsen, Laura Balslev
Pools of Heavy Metals in Soils with Different Vegetation Cover and Soil Material in Former Zn-Pb Mining Area (Olkusz Region, S Poland)
Rolf David Vogt, Kapusta Pawel, Szarek-Łukaszewska Grazyna
Do benthic algae provide important information over and above that provided by macrophytes and phytoplankton in lake status assessment? – Results from a case study in Norway
Susanne C Schneider, Dag O Hjermann, Hanne Edvardsen