Viser 2739 treff
A mega-cryptic species complex hidden among one of the most common annelids in the North East Atlantic
Arne Nygren, Julio Parapar, Joan Pons, Karin Meißner, Torkild Bakken, Jon Anders Kongsrud
Influence of climate change and pesticide use practices on the ecological risks of pesticides in a protected Mediterranean wetland: A Bayesian network approach
Claudia Martínez-Megías, Sophie Mentzel, Yasser Fuentes-Edfuf, S. Jannicke Moe, Andreu Rico
Status of contaminated marine sediments in four Nordic countries: assessments, regulations, and remediation approaches
Alizée P. Lehoux, Karina Petersen, Matti T. Leppänen, Ian Snowball, Marianne Olsen
SCANDNAnet — validating and intercalibrating metabarcoding for routine use in Nordic freshwater biomonitoring
Kristian Meissner, Jukka Aroviita, Markus Majaneva, Torbjørn Ekrem, Ann Kristin Schartau, Nikolai Friberg
Organic chemicals associated with rubber are more toxic to marine algae and bacteria than those of thermoplastics
Lisbet Sørensen, Tania Gomes, Amaia Igartua, Inger Larsen Lyngstad, Ana Catarina Almeida, Martin Wagner
Untangling the role of biotic and abiotic ageing of various environmental plastics toward the sorption of metals
Gilberto Binda, Margarida Costa, Luka Supraha, Davide Spanu, Christian Vogelsang, Eva Leu
Short-term rainfall limits cyanobacterial bloom formation in a shallow eutrophic subtropical urban reservoir in warm season
Anqi Luo, Huihuang Chen, Xiaofei Gao, Laurence Carvalho, Yuanyuan Xue, Lei Jin
Critical assessment of an equilibrium-based method to study the binding of waterborne organic contaminants to natural dissolved organic matter (DOM)
Simone Rizzuto, Kevin C. Jones, Hao Zhang, Didier Ludovic Baho, Eva Leu, Luca Nizzetto
Unravelling reasons for variability in the OECD 306 marine biodegradation test
Aina Charlotte Wennberg, Sondre Meland, Merete Grung, Adam David Lillicrap
Non-woven polypropylene fabric modified with carbon nanotubes and decorated with nanoakaganeite for arsenite removal
J Tomaszewska, P Smektala, I Zglobicka, J Michalski, K J Kurzydlowski, P Krzeminski
Driftskontroll av kalkdoseringsanlegg i Arendalsvassdraget År 2018
Rolf Høgberget, Jarle Håvardstun, Liv Bente Skancke
Modes of action and adverse effects of gamma radiation in an aquatic macrophyte Lemna minor
Li Xie, Knut Asbjørn Solhaug, You Song, Dag Anders Brede, Ole Christian Lind, Brit Salbu
Determining the risk of calcium oxide (CaO) particle exposure to marine organisms
Steven J Brooks, Anastasia Georgantzopoulou, Joachim Tørum Johansen, Martin Mengede
Microplastic retention by marine vegetated canopies: Simulations with seagrass meadows in a hydraulic flume
Carmen B. de los Santos, Anna-Sara Krång, Eduardo Infantes
Line ferries and cargo ships for the monitoring of marine contaminants of emerging concern: Application along a Europe-Arctic transect
Miroslav Brumovský, Jitka Bečanová, Ondřej Sáňka, Katharina Bjarnar Løken, Didier Ludovic Baho, Kai Sørensen
Susceptibility of polar cod (Boreogadus saida) to a model carcinogen
Adélaïde Lerebours, Svetlana Murzina, You Song, Knut-Erik Tollefsen, Maura Benedetti, Francesco Regoli
Bioaccumulation of selected veterinary medicinal products (VMPs) in the blue mussel (Mytilus edulis)
S J Brooks, A Ruus, J T Rundberget, A Kringstad, A Lillicrap
A framework for agenda-setting ocean acidification through boundary work
Halvor Dannevig, Kyrre Groven, Grete K Hovelsrud , Aase Kristine Lundberg, Richard G Bellerby, Philip Wallhead
The organic pollutant status of rivers in Bosnia and Herzegovina as determined by a combination of active and passive sampling methods
Christopher Harman, Merete Grung, Jasmina Djedjibegovic, Aleksandra Marjanovic, Eirik Fjeld, Hans Fredrik Veiteberg Braaten
Temperature Effects Explain Continental Scale Distribution of Cyanobacterial Toxins
Evanthia Mantzouki, Miquel Lürling, Jutta Fastner, Lisette de Senerpont Domis, Elżbieta Wilk-Woźniak, Judita Koreivienė