Viser 6886 treff
Development of formulated bait for edible crab (Cancer pagurus L.), using by-products from the fisheries and aquaculture industry
Trine Dale, Sten Ivar Siikavuopio, Kåre Aas
Critical limits for surface water acidification in Norwegian critical loads calculation and Water Framework Directive classification
Kari Austnes, Espen Lund
DNA barcoding contributing to new knowledge on diversity and distribution of Polychaeta (Annelida) in Norwegian and adjacent waters
Torkild Bakken, Jon Anders Kongsrud, Katrine Kongshavn, Eivind Oug, Tom Alvestad, Nataliya Budaeva
Integrating DNA-barcoding and morphology to study marine invertebrates. Exploring biodiversity and biogeography of deep-sea polychaetes in the Norwegian Sea.
Katrine Kongshavn, Jon Anders Kongsrud, Anne Helene S. Tandberg, Tom Alvestad, Torkild Bakken, Eivind Oug
Naturtyper i Saltstraumen marine verneområde
Camilla With Fagerli, Hege Gundersen, Janne Kim Gitmark, Andre Staalstrøm, Hartvig C Christie
Fatty acid composition of 12 microalgae for possible use in aquaculture feed
Vishwanath Patil, Torsten Källqvist, Elisabeth Olsen, Gjermund Vogt, Hans Ragnar Gislerød
Effect of climate change on flux of N and C: Air-land-freshwater-marine links: Synthesis
Arne O. Stuanes, Heleen de Wit, Lars R Hole, Øyvind Kaste, Jan Mulder, Gunnhild Riise
Use of sodium silicate to reduce aluminium toxicity towards fish
Hans-Christian Teien, Frode Kroglund, Brit Salbu, Åse Åtland, Bjørn Olav Rosseland
Hyperbenthic food-web structure in an Arctic fjord
Maeve McGovern, Jørgen Berge, Beata Szymczycha, Jan Marcin Weslawski, Paul Eric Renaud
Density-dependent interactions give indirectly positive effects of a toxicant
Jannicke Moe, Nils Christian Stenseth, Robert H. Smith
Plastics in biosolids from 1950 to 2016: A function of global plastic production and consumption
Elvis D. Okoffo, Erica Donner, Steve P. McGrath, Benjamin J. Tscharke, Jake W. O'Brien, Stacey O'Brien
Uptake and tissue distribution of C-4-C-7 alkylphenols in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua): Relevance for biomonitoring of produced water discharges from oil production
Rolf C Sundt, Thierry Baussant, Jonny Beyer
Development of a bioaccumulation test using Hyalella azteca
Christian Schlechtriem, Sebastian Kuehr, Caroline Müller
Analyse av utvalgte miljøgifter og metaller i drikkeflasker og kaffekopper
Pawel Marian Rostkowski, Hilde Thelle Uggerud, Mikael Harju, Vladimir Nikiforov, Anders Borgen, Alfhild Kringstad
Copper ecological risk assessment using DGT technique and PNEC: A case study in the Brazilian coast
Karelys Umbría-Salinas, Astolfo Valero, Samantha Eslava Martins, Mônica Wallner-Kersanach
An interlaboratory comparison exercise for the determination of microplastics in standard sample bottles
Atsuhiko Isobe, Nina T Buenaventura, Stephen Chastain, Suchana Chavanich, Andrés Cózar, Marie DeLorenzo
Charophytes in warm springs on Svalbard (Spitsbergen): DNA barcoding identifies Chara aspera and Chara canescens with unusual morphological traits
Anders Langangen, Andreas Ballot, Petra Nowak, Susanne C Schneider
Exploring dynamics of riverine phosphorus exports under future climate change using a process-based catchment model
Tong Yindong, Chen Ziwei, Wen Yingting, Qi Miao, Wang Yuyi, Zhu Mengshi
Assessing Heavy Metal Pollution of the Largest Nature Reserve in Tianjin City, China
Bin Zhou, Meinan Xing, Haiqing Liao, Hui Li, Rolf David Vogt, Weijie Xu
Selection of the optimal extraction protocol to investigate the interaction between trace elements and environmental plastic
Gilberto Binda, Stefano Carnati, Davide Spanu, Arianna Bellasi, Rachel Hurley, Roberta Bettinetti