Viser 6997 treff
Jelly-falls historic and recent observations: a review to drive future research directions
Mario Lebrato, Kylie A. Pitt, Andrew Kvassnes Sweetman, Daniel O.B. Jones, Joan E. Cartes, Andreas Oschlies
Effect-Directed Identification of Naphthenic Acids As Important in Vitro Xeno-Estrogens and Anti-Androgens in North Sea Offshore Produced Water Discharges
Kevin V Thomas, Katherine Langford, Karina Petersen, A. J. Smith, Knut-Erik Tollefsen
Differences in the quality of seepage water and runoff caused by plant community and grazing at an Alpine site in Hol, southern Norway
Vegard Martinsen, Franz Grund, Marit Ness Kjeve, Heleen de Wit, Gunnar Austrheim, Atle Mysterud
Masking effect of anti-androgens on androgenic activity in European river sediment unveiled by effect-directed analysis
Jana M. Weiss, Timo Hamers, Kevin V Thomas, Sander van der Linden, Pim E.G. Leonards, Marja H. Lamoree
SWiFT and Strong: Bayesian Networks Facilitate Weight-Of-Evidence for Fish Embryo Toxicity Data to Replace Acute Fish Toxicity Testing
Raoul Wolf, Scott Belanger, Thomas Braunbeck, Kristin Connors, Michelle Embry, Anders Madsen
Intertidal regions changing coastal alkalinity: The Wadden Sea-North Sea tidally coupled bioreactor
Yoana G Voynova, Wilhelm Petersen, Martina Gehrung, Steffen Assmann, Andrew L King
Adaptation through time: Historical uses of kelp and seaweed along the Norwegian coast
Frode Sundnes
Detection of microcystins and nodularins based on a multihapten antibody – ELISA and immunoaffinity columns
Ingunn Anita Samdal, Kjersti Eriksen Løvberg, Johannes Rusch, David Strand, Trude Vrålstad, Andreas Ballot
Alterations between sugar kelp and turf/filamentous algae in Norway, regime shifts or flips back and forth between different opportunistic seaweed species?
Hartvig C Christie, Guri Sogn Andersen, Trine Bekkby, Camilla With Fagerli, Janne Kim Gitmark, Eli Rinde
Levels of siloxanes (D4, D5, D6) in biota and sediments from the Inner Oslofjord, Norway, 2011-2014
Merete Schøyen, Sigurd Øxnevad, Dag Øystein Hjermann, Christian Mund, Thomas Böhmer, Karin Beckmann
Acidic aluminum reducing and eradicating infections of Gyrodactylus salaris from Atlantic salmon: treatment strategy and impact on population dynamics
Kjetil Olstad, Sigurd Hytterød, Hans-Christian Teien, Anders Gjørwad Hagen
Benthic ecosystem functioning beneath fish farms in different hydrodynamic environments
Andrew Kvassnes Sweetman, Karl Norling, Carina Gunderstad, Barbro Taraldset Haugland, Trine Dale
Presenting the model framework for assessing the recovery potential for different habitats and ecosystem service restoration success and the plan for a webinar on new restoration methods and best practices (MERCES WP 5).
Trine Bekkby, Guri Sogn Andersen
A fatty acid based bayesian approach for inferring diet in aquatic consumers
Aaron W.E. Galloway, Michael T. Brett, Gordon W. Holtgrieve, Eric J. Ward, Ashley P. Ballantyne, Carolyn W. Burns
Detection of microbial pathogens and indicators in sewage effluent and river water during the temporary interruption of a wastewater treatment plant
Ricardo Constante Grøndahl-Rosado, Ingun Tryland, Mette Myrmel, Karl Jan Aanes, Lucy J Robertson
Seasonal and scale-dependent variability in nutrient- and allelopathy-mediated macrophyte-phytoplankton interactions
Paola Lombardo, Marit Mjelde, Torsten Källqvist, Pål Brettum
The effect of dietary lipid composition on the intestinal uptake and tissue distribution of benzo[a]pyrene and phenanthrene in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
Stefan de Gelder, Marit J. Bakke, Joelle Vos, Josef D. Rasinger, Kristian Ingebrigtsen, Merete Grung
Identification of mercury fractions in water, soil and sediment from typical alkaline mercury mining area and modelling their transport under different flow regimes
Rolf David Vogt, Thorjørn Larssen, Yan Lin
Ecosystem-based marine spatial management: Review of concepts, policies, tools, and critical issues
Stelios Katsanevakis, Vanessa Stelzenmüller, Andy South, Thomas Kirk Sørensen, Peter J.S. Jones, Sandy Kerr
Accumulation of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-Dioxins and Furans in Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua)-Cage Experiments in a Norwegian Fjord
John Arthur Berge, Ketil Hylland, Martin Schlabach, Anders Ruus