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The effect of total organic carbon (TOC) concentration on the physio-chemical properties of dissolved natural organic matter (DNOM)
Magnus Christiansen, Tone Charlotte Gadmar, Egil Gjessing, Rolf David Vogt
The Underwater Light Regime and cDOM across the Polar Front (Barents Sea):With relevance for the Primary Production
Kasper Hancke, Erlend Kjeldsberg Hovland, Geir Johnsen, Mark Moline, Egil Sakshaug
WGMMHA Working Paper 2-99. Suggestions for future research on responses to environmental contaminants in marine mammals
Anders Ruus, Janneche Utne Skaare
The CO2 system in a Redfield context during an iron enrichment experiment in the Southern Ocean
Yann Bozec, Dorothee C.E. Bakker, Carmen Hartmann, Helmuth Thomas, Richard Bellerby, Phil D. Nightingale
Om elgpåkjørsler og elgfôring - erfaringer og forskningsresultater fra Evenstad
Hege Gundersen
Conceptual models for P-leaching from terrestrial to aquatic system
Rolf David Vogt
Artefacts in XAD-8 NOM fractionation
Tone Charlotte Gadmar, Rolf David Vogt, Lars Evje
Fôring av elg. Resultater fra fôringsforsøk i Stor-Elvdal
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Studies of acid deposition and its effects in two small catchments in Hunan, China
Nandong Xue, Hans Martin Seip, Bohan Liao, Rolf David Vogt
Central Laboratory Manual
Rolf David Vogt, Jan Mulder
Interlaboratory Comparison of Extractable Organofluorine Measurements in Groundwater and Eel (Anguilla rostrata): Recommendations for Methods Standardization
Bridger J. Ruyle, Heidi M. Pickard, Lara Schultes, Felicia Fredriksson, Amy L. Heffernan, Detlef R. U. Knappe
Dette er en fremmed art den truer med a innta flekkefjord
Enrique Blanco Gonzalez, Federico Håland Gaeta
Head in the clouds, feet on the ground: how transdisciplinary learning can foster transformative change—insights from a summer school
Sara Atienza Casas, Camille Calicis, Sebastian Candiago, Nicoloas Dendoncker, Jomme Desair, Thomas Fickel
Vurdering av sigevann fra deponier i Norge - Faktagrunnlag
Gøril Aasen Slinde, Trond Mæhlum, Sissel Brit Ranneklev, Marit Mjelde, Hilde Trannum, Merete Grung
NIVA is frontrunner in the tech race - Modern and innovative methods for environmental monitoring
Jan-Erik Thrane
Understanding temporal variability across trophic levels and spatial scales in freshwater ecosystems
Tadeu Siqueira, Charles P. Hawkins, Julian D. Olden, Jonathan Tonkin, Lise Comte, Victor S. Saito
Bradalsmyra testsenter. Overvåkning av metallkonsentrasjoner i bekker og grunnvannsig i perioden 2004-2023.
Asle Økelsrud
What determines accuracy of chemical identification when using microspectroscopy for the analysis of microplastics?
Hannah De Frond, Win Cowger, Violet Renick, Susanne Brander, Sebastian Primpke, Suja Sukumaran
Monitoring psychoactive substance use at six European festivals through wastewater and pooled urine analysis
L Bijlsma, A Celma, S Castiglioni, N Salgueiro-González, L Bou-Iserte, JA Baz Lomba
Sustainable microalgae-based technology for biotransformation of benzalkonium chloride in oil and gas produced water: A laboratory-scale study
Adrián Jaén-Gil, Laura Ferrando-Climent, Imma Ferrer, E. Michael Thurman, Sara Rodriguez-Mozaz, Damià Barceló