Viser 7259 treff
PAH-metabolites in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) exposed via water or diet to a synthetic produced water
Merete Grung, Tor Fredrik Holth, M.R. Jacobsen, Ketil Hylland
Development of adverse outcome pathways for molting-related developmental effects of emamectin-benzoate on Daphnia magna
You Song, Tania Gomes, Thomas Rundberget, David Eidsvoll, Knut Erik Tollefsen
Characterising estrogenic activity of arctic char tissue extracts in two fish in vitro bioassays
Karina Petersen, Maria Thérése Hultman, Mikael Harju, Anita Evenset, Knut Erik Tollefsen
Deciphering combined effects of anti-estrogenic chemicals on vitellogenin production in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) hepatocytes
Maria Thérése Hultman, Karina Petersen, Knut Erik Tollefsen
Pollutants alter epigenetic DNA methylation in a zebrafish (Danio rerio) cell line model
Eivind Farmen, Maria Thérése Hultman, Marc Anglés d´Auriac, Knut Erik Tollefsen
Toxicity of the anti-sea lice chemical emamectin benzoate in a nontarget crustacean Daphnia magna
You Song, Thomas Rundberget, Linn Evenseth, Li Xie, Tania Gomes, Tore Høgåsen
Regulating environmental impact of intensive, marine fish farming II. The monitoring programme of the MOM system (Modelling – Ongrowing fish farms – Monitoring)
Pia Kupka Hansen, Arne S Ervik, Morten Schaanning, Per J Johannessen, Jan Aure, Terje L. Jahnsen
New environmental impact assessment (EIA) tools of heavy metals in acid mine drainage (AMD)waters under developoment in Nowegian-South African research cooperation
Oddvar Kjell Røyset, Karl Jan Aanes, Haile Mengistu, Leslie Strachan, Vongani Maboko, Victor Wepener
The authoritarian logic of regulatory pluralism: Understanding China's new environmental actors
Benjamin Van Rooij, Rachel Stern, Kathinka Fürst
Overvåking av miljøgifter i Kristiansandsfjorden i blåskjell, torsk, krabber og vann
Merete Schøyen
Recommendations for the inclusion of targeted testing to improve the regulatory environmental risk assessment of veterinary medicines used in aquaculture
Adam David Lillicrap, Ailbhe Macken, Kevin V Thomas
Environmental aspects of designing multi-purpose offshore platforms in the scope of the FP7 TROPOS Project
Shiau-Yun Lu, Jason C.S. Yu, J. Wesnigk, E. Delory, E. Quevedo, J. Hernández
How do environmental parameters relate to Macroinvertebrate metrics? – prospects for river water quality assessment
Jan Blachuta, Krzysztof Szoszkiewicz, Daniel Gebler, Susanne Claudia Schneider
How does soft sediment macroinfauna vary with environmental conditions – modelling reference conditions along the Norwegian coast
Karl Norling, Hege Gundersen, Trine Bekkby, Eivind Oug, Brage Rygg, Mats Walday
How does soft sediment macroinfauna vary with environmental conditions – modelling reference conditions along the Norwegian coast
Karl Norling, Hege Gundersen, Trine Bekkby, Eivind Oug, Brage Rygg, Mats Walday
How to disseminate your science
Harald Bonaventura Borchgrevink
Capabilities of Global Ocean Programs to inform Climate Services. In: Procedia Environmental Sciences, Vol. 1.
N.L. Bindoff, Detlef Stammer, P.-Y. Le Traon, K. Trenberth, Cecilie Mauritzen, J.A. Church
Pressure-impact multi-criteria environmental flow analysis: Application in the Øyeren Delta, Glomma River Basin, Norway
David Nicholas Barton, Dag Berge, Ron Jansen
Mercury concentration in fishes of lakes in Pokhara Valley, Nepal
Reidar Borgstrøm, Sigurd Rognerud, Bjørn Olav Rosseland
Chemical Structure of Pelagic Redox Interfaces
Evgeny Yakushev