Viser 2807 treff
Effects of effluent and sludge containing Ag and TiO2 nanoparticles transformed through lab-scale wastewater treatment processes
Anastasia Georgantzopoulou, Christian Vogelsang, Claire Coutris, Kuria Ndungu, Patricia Almeida Carvalho, Andy Booth
Forprosjekt: Institusjonsbygging innen vannforvaltning i Myanmar. Rapport fra perioden juli 2014 – januar 2015.
Bente Margrethe Wathne, Andreas Ballot, Anne Bjørkenes Christiansen, Tomas Adler Blakseth, Marit Mjelde, Ingrid Nesheim
Individual and molecular level effects of produced water contaminants on nauplii and adult females of Calanus finmarchicus
Louise Kiel Jensen, Elisabeth Halvorsen, You Song, Ingeborg G. Hallanger, Elisabeth Lindbo Hansen, Steven J Brooks
Klassifisering av miljøtilstand i industrifjorder – hvor godt samsvarer miljøgifter og bløtbunnsfauna?
Eivind Oug, Anders Ruus, Karl Norling, Torgeir Heggelund Bakke
Environmental assessments in the marine Arctic: current legal status and processes to address gaps globally and regionally
Gunnar Sander
Responding to climate variability and change in dryland Kenya: The role of illicit coping strategies in the politics of adaptation
Marianne Mosberg, Siri Eriksen
Effects of an aquaculture pesticide (diflubenzuron) on non-target shrimp populations: Extrapolation from laboratory experiments to the risk of population decline
S. Jannicke Moe, Dag Ø Hjermann, Elisa Ravagnan, Renée K Bechmann
‘Offshore’ salmon aquaculture and identifying the needs for environmental regulation
Lauren Watson, Lynne Falconer, Trine Dale, Trevor C. Telfer
Increase in colour and amount of organic matter in surface waters
Rolf David Vogt
Endringer i kvalitet og mengde av løst naturlig organisk materiale
Rolf David Vogt, Egil T. Gjessing, Lars E. Evje, Georg Becher
Baseline investigation on plasticizers, bisphenol A, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and heavy metals in the surface soil of the informal electronic waste recycling workshops and nearby open dumpsites in Indian metropolitan cities
Paromita Chakraborty, Srimurali Sampath, Moitraiyee Mukhopadhyay, Sakthivel Selvaraj, Girija K Bharat, Luca Nizzetto
Uranium accumulation and toxicokinetics in the crustacean Daphnia magna provide perspective to toxicodynamic responses
Shane Scheibener, You Song, Knut-Erik Tollefsen, Brit Salbu, Hans-Christian Teien
Arctic Inshore Biogeochemical Regime Influenced by Coastal Runoff and Glacial Melting (Case Study for the Templefjord, Spitsbergen)
Maria Pogojeva, Alexander Polukhin, Petr Makkaveev, Andre Staalstrøm, Anfisa Berezina, Evgeniy Yakushev
Nano or not, what difference does it make? A stable isotope labeling approach to assess fate and bioavailability of metallic engineered nanoparticles in soil
Claire Coutris, Karl Andreas Jensen, Pierre-Adrien Rivier, Selena Deviller, Anastasia Georgantzopoulou, Sebastian Kuehr
The impact of rainfall events on dissolved oxygen concentrations in a subtropical urban reservoir
Anqi Luo, Huihuang Chen, Xiaofei Gao, Laurence Carvalho, Hongteng Zhang, Jun Yang
Bioavailability of hexabromocyclododecane to the polychaete Hediste diversicolor: Exposure through sediment and food from a contaminated fjord
Marianne Haukås, Anders Ruus, Ketil Hylland, John Arthur Berge, Espen Mariussen
Effects of nutrient and light availability on production of bioactive anabaenopeptins and microviridin by the cyanobacterium Planktothrix agardhii
Thomas Rohrlack, Hans Chr Utkilen
Contaminants in coastal waters of Norway 2015. Miljøgifter i norske kystområder 2015
Norman W. Green, Merete Schøyen, Sigurd Øxnevad, Anders Ruus, Ian Allan, Dag Hjermann
Aquatic biodiversity in sedimentation ponds receiving road runoff - What are the key drivers?
Zhenhua Sun, John Edward Brittain, Ekaterina Sokolova, Helene Thygesen, Svein Jakob Saltveit, Sebastian Rauch
Mortality and transcriptional effects of inorganic mercury in the marine copepod Calanus finmarchicus
Knut Erik Tollefsen, You Song, Tore Høgåsen, Ida Beathe Øverjordet, Dag Altin, Bjørn Henrik Hansen