Viser 7259 treff
Input of selected human pharmaceutical metabolites into the Norwegian aquatic environment
Katherine Langford, Kevin V Thomas
Monitoring North Sea oil production discharges using passive sampling devices coupled with in vitro bioassay techniques
Christopher Peter Harman, Eivind Farmen Finne, Knut-Erik Tollefsen
Compact semi-automatic incident sampler for personal monitoring of volatile organic compounds in occupational air
Kasper Solbu, Merete Hersson, Syvert Thorud, Elsa Lundanes, Terje Nilsen, Ole Synnes
Determination of the dialdehyde glyoxal in workroom air - development of personal sampling methodology
Raymond Olsen, S Thorud, M Hersson, S Ovrebo, Elsa Lundanes, Tyge Greibrokk
Occupational exposure to airborne solvents during nail sculpturing
Merete Gjolstad, Syvert Thorud, Pål Molander
Conservation on the High Seas. Harmonizing International Regimes for the Sustainable Use of Living Resources. By Simone Borg, Edward Elgar UK, 2012, 313 pages
Froukje Maria Platjouw
Pyrethroid effects on freshwater invertebrates: A meta-analysis of pulse exposures.
Jes Jessen Rasmussen, Peter Wiberg-Larsen, Nina Cedergreen, Esben Astrup Kristensen, Nikolai Friberg
Local physical habitat quality clouds the effect of predicted pesticide runoff from agricultural land in Danish streams
Jes Jessen Rasmussen, Annette Baattrup-Pedersen, Søren Erik Larsen, Brian Kronvang
Source identification for oil-based drill cuttings on the seabed based on stable carbon isotopes
Bent Skaare Pedersen, Morten Schaanning, Pål Tore Mørkved
Use of fish in vitro hepatocyte assays to detect multi-endpoint toxicity in Slovenian River sediments
Knut Erik Tollefsen, Erling Bratsberg, Olav Bøyum, Eivind Farmen, Inger Katharina Gregersen, Marit Nøst Hegseth
A multi-generation Calanus finmarchicus culturing system for use in long-term oil exposure experiments
LK Jensen, J Carroll, G Pedersen, L Camus, Ketil Hylland, S Dahle
Ecotoxicological impact of engineered nanomaterials in bivalve molluscs: An overview
Thiago Lopes Rocha, Tania Gomes, Vania Serrao Sousa, Nelia C Mestre, Maria Joao Bebianno
Use of fish in vitro hepatocyte assays to detect multi-endpoint toxicity in Slovenian river sediments
Knut-Erik Tollefsen, E Bratsberg, O Boyum, Eivind Farmen Finne, Inger Katharina Gregersen, Marit Nøst Hegseth
Perceptions of Climate Change from North India: An Ethnographic Account
Aase Jeanette Kvanneid
Review of analytical methods for determining metabolites of polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs) in fish bile
Freek Ariese, Jonny Beyer, Grete Jonsson, Cinta Porte, Margareth Krahn
Two fish bile reference materials certified for PAH metabolites
Freek Ariese, Jonny Beyer, David Wells
Projected habitat loss for Atlantic herring in the Baltic Sea
Björn Illing, Marta Moyano, Marc Hufnagl, Myron A. Peck
Biomagnification of ionizable organic compounds in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss
Carolin Mueller, Stefan Trapp, Fabio Polesel, Sebastian Kuehr, Christian Schlechtriem
Ingestion of bivalve droppings by benthic invertebrates may lead to the transfer of nanomaterials in the aquatic food chain
Sebastian Kuehr, Noemi Diehle, Ralf Kaegi, Christian Schlechtriem
Bioaccumulation assessment of nanomaterials using freshwater invertebrate species
Sebastian Kuehr, Verena Kosfeld, Christian Schlechtriem