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Bridging the gap between chemical fingerprinting and site-specific hazard and risk assessment
Knut-Erik Tollefsen, Guri Sogn Andersen, You Song, Raoul Wolf, Jaroslav Slobodnik
Overvåking av Ytre Oslofjord 2014-2018. Bunnundersøkelser i 2018. Fagrapport
Bjørnar Beylich, Gunhild Borgersen, Mats Gunnar Walday
Impact of Different Combinations of Water Treatment Processes on the Concentration of Disinfection Byproducts and Their Precursors in Swimming Pool Water
Bertram Skibinski, Stephan Uhlig, Pascal Müller, Irene Slavik, Wolfgang Uhl
Single and multiple stressor effects in Tisbe battagliai: toolbox and Adverse Outcome Pathway development
Chloe Eastabrook, You Song, Li Xie, Emil Jarosz, Raoul Wolf, Karina Petersen
Overvåking av kystvann i vannområde Hardanger 2019
Anders Ruus, Anna Birgitta Ledang, Trond Kristiansen
Epigenetic, transcriptional and phenotypic responses in Daphna magna after short-term exposure to gamma radiation
Jens Thaulow, You Song, Li Xie, Leif Christopher Lindeman, Jorke Harmen Kamstra, YeonKyeong Lee
Lack of response in a marine pelagic community to short-term oil and contaminant exposure
Hege Finsås Vestheim, Katherine Langford, Ketil Hylland
Effects of production intensity and production strategies in commercial Atlantic salmon smolt (Salmo salar L.) production on subsequent performance in the early sea stage
Torstein Kristensen, Thrond Oddvar Haugen, Trond Rosten, Anders Fjellheim, Åse Åtland, Bjørn Olav Rosseland
Effect of nutritional status and sampling intensity on recovery after dorsal aorta cannulation in free-swimming Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)
Brankica Djordjevic, Torstein Kristensen, Øyvind Øverli, Bjørn Olav Rosseland, Anders Kiessling
Seawater tolerance and post-smolt migration of wild Atlantic salmon Salmo salar × brown trout S. trutta hybrid smolts
Henning Andre Urke, Torstein Kristensen, Jo Vegar Arnekleiv, Thrond Oddvar Haugen, Gaute Kjærstad, Sigurd Olav Stefansson
Contrasting responses of DMS and DMSP to ocean acidification in Arctic waters
S.D. Archer, S.A. Kimmance, J.A. Stephens, F.E. Hopkins, Richard Bellerby, K.G. Schulz
Interactions between pH and nutrients on benthic algae in streams and consequences for ecological status assessment and species richness patterns
Susanne Claudia Schneider, Maria Kahlert, Martyn G. Kelly
Calibration and use of the polar organic chemical integrative sampler—a critical review
Christopher Peter Harman, Ian Allan, Vermeirssen Etienne L. M.
Reduced marine survival of hatchery-reared Atlantic salmon post-smolts exposed to aluminium and moderate acidification in freshwater
Eva Bonsak Thorstad, Ingebrigt Uglem, Bengt Finstad, Frode Kroglund, Ingibjörg Eir Einarsdottir, Torstein Kristensen
Effect of Water Hardness on the Toxicity of Cadmium to the Green Alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata in an Artificial Growth Medium and Nutrient-Spiked Natural Lake Waters
Torsten Källqvist
Identification of the most influential factors in the Norwegian guidelines for risk assessment of dispersion of contaminants from sediments
Tuomo Mikael Saloranta, Anders Ruus, Katrine Borgå
Influence of climate and land use change on spatially resolved volatilization of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) from background soils
Jiri Komprda, Klara Komprdova, Milan Sanka, Martin Mozny, Luca Nizzetto
Impaired secondary oxidant deactivation capacity and enhanced oxidative stress in serum from alveld affected lambs
Anne Bee Hegge, Ivar Mysterud, Jan Karlsen, Olav Magnus Skulberg, Carl Morten Motzfeldt Laane, Trond Schumacher
Conductivity and thermal habitat preferences of Atlantic salmon (Salmo sala) and sea trout (Salmo trutta) in a river system before, during and after an aluminium sulphate treatment
H A. Urke, Knut Alfredsen, Torstein Kristensen, A Gjørwad hagen, M Kvakland, Åge Grønningsæter
Eutrophication, recovery and temperature in Lake Mjøsa: detecting trends with monitoring data and sediment records
Anders Hobæk, Jarl Eivind Løvik, Thomas Rohrlack, S. Jannicke Moe, Merete Grung, Helen Bennion