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The origin of selection signatures on bovine chromosome 6

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Animal Genetics
Eksterne nettsted
Paul Ragnar Berg
Ben J. Hayes, Sigbjørn Lien, Heidi Nilsen, Hanne Gro Olsen, Paul Ragnar Berg, S. Maceachern, S. Potter, Theodorus Meuwissen


The extent and pattern of linkage disequilibrium (LD) between closely spaced markers contain information about population history, including past population size and selection history. Selection signatures can be identified by comparing the LD surrounding a putative selected allele at a locus to the putative non-selected allele. In livestock populations, locations of selection signatures identified in this way should be correlated with QTL affecting production traits, as the populations have been under strong artificial selection for these traits. We used a dense SNP map of bovine chromosome 6 to characterize the pattern of LD on this chromosome in Norwegian Red cattle, a breed which has been strongly selected for milk production. The pattern of LD was generally consistent with strong selection in regions containing QTL affecting milk production traits, including a strong selection signature in a region containing a mutation known to affect milk production. The results demonstrate that in livestock populations, the origin of selection signatures will often be QTL for livestock production traits, and illustrate the value of selection signatures in uncovering new mutations with potential effects on quantitative traits.