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Integrated Monitoring Program on Acidification of Chinese Terrestrial Systems IMPACTS; Summary report 2002

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Yi He, Jixi Gao, Haiying Liu, Zhengtao Liu, Feng Liu, Xiaoshan Zhang, Jingheng Guo, Yanhui Wang, He Shang, Pengtao Yu, Jianhua Zhu, Jingjun Han, Bin Yao, Xiyon Hu, Xiaoquan Zhang, Min Shao, Limin Zeng, Lei Jin, Lei Duan, Quanru Liu, Dawei Zhao, Dongbao Zhang, Shengliang Chen, Renjun Xiang, Yi Chang, Jinhong Zhang, Jiahai Luo, Zhanyi Zhang, Jinsong Xiao, Xiaoyu Peng, Rolf David Vogt, Hans Martin Seip, Wenche Aas, Kjetil Tørseth, Jan Mulder, Trine Sogn, Odd Eilertsen, Tonje Økland, Harald Bratli, Valter Angell, Svein Solberg, Tor Myking, Espen Lydersen, Thorjørn Larssen, Dagang Tang


Sulphur deposition is high at all IMPACTS sites and exceed maximum levels observed in Europe and North-America. Dry deposition equals or exceeds wet deposition. The IMPACTS data, in particular those from the remote Lei Gong Shan site clearly document long-range transport of air pollutants. Due to the actual and future energy combustion and emission strategy in China, the long-range transport of air pollutants may significantly increase with subsequent increased environmental damage in rural and remote areas in China. In addition to sulphur deposition, depositions of reactive nitrogen (nitric acid and ammonia) and calcium are also important and clearly demonstrate that pH alone is not a good indicator for acid deposition. High concentrations of ground level ozone, above critical levels for vegetation and forest, are observed at the Liu Xi He site in Guangdong province. Soil acidification gives rise to high concentrations of toxic aluminium in soil water at several sites. At the Tie Shan Ping site in Chongqing aluminium occurs at a level where long-term harmful effects on trees might be expected. Defoliation and mortality have been severe, however, fairly stable. Insect attacks are apparently a major cause, but enhanced insect attacks might be an indirect effect of health weakening due to acidification. Defoliation has been considerable also in Liu Chong Guan in Guiyang, while the three other catchments had minor defoliation only. High foliar nitrogen concentrations are seen in Lei Gong Shan in Guizhou and Cai Jia Tang in Hunan, accompanied by low P/N-ratios. Statistical tests of vegetation change, so far only implemented in Liu Chong Guan, revealed minor changes in number and abundances of vascular plants, but a significant decline in number of bryophytes. This decline is probably related to climatic year-to-year variations. Data from other catchments and longer time periods are needed to identify vegetation changes related to soil acidification or direct effects of air pollutants. Modelling results from Tie Shan Ping suggest that the currently planned 20% reduction in sulphur emissions is far from sufficient to avoid further acidification. As more data are generated, dose-response relationships, critical load estimates and model predictions will obviously be improved.