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Conventional wastewater treatment methods and their ability to remove EDCs

Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Eksterne nettsted
Pawel Krzeminski, Christian Vogelsang


Depending on their applications and local management routines, many of these may eventually end up in domestic wastewaters that enter wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). For some of these, e.g., PPCPs, the concentrations in influent wastewaters may be generally predicted from national wholesale and usage statistics, if such are available [2]. However, a range of institutional, social, and cultural factors influence the use patterns as well as management practices, and the concentrations will vary with place and time. In this chapter, we discuss their fate during treatments that are typically applied in conventional WWTPs. Only data from full-scale WWTPs treating municipal wastewater were considered. We discuss this in relation to the chemical-physical properties of the different compounds and the operating conditions typically applied. We also compare the expected fate, based on SimpleTreat model [3], to what has been observed and reported from real full-scale WWTPs.