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Results from Verification of Reference Irradiance and Radiance Sources Laboratory Calibration Experiment Campaign

Vitenskapelig artikkel
Remote Sensing
Eksterne nettsted
Sabine Marty
Agnieszka Białek, Teresa Goodman, Emma Woolliams, Johannes FS. Brachmann, Thomas Schwarzmaier, Joel Kuusk, Ilmar Ansko, Viktor Vabson, Ian C. Lau, Christopher MacLellan, Sabine Marty, Michael Ondrusek, William Servantes, Sarah Taylor, Ronnie Van Dommelen, Andrew Barnard, Vincenzo Vellucci, Andrew C. Banks, Nigel Fox, Riho Vendt, Craig Donlon, Tânia Casal


We present the results from Verification of Reference Irradiance and Radiance Sources Laboratory Calibration Experiment Campaign. Ten international laboratories took part in the measurements. The spectral irradiance comparison included the measurements of the 1000 W tungsten halogen filament lamps in the spectral range of 350 nm–900 nm in the pilot laboratory. The radiance comparison took a form of round robin where each participant in turn received two transfer radiometers and did the radiance calibration in their own laboratory. The transfer radiometers have seven spectral bands covering the wavelength range from 400 nm–700 nm. The irradiance comparison results showed an agreement between all lamps within ±1.5%. The radiance comparison results presented higher than expected discrepancies at the level of ±4%. Additional investigation to determine the causes for these discrepancies identified them as a combination of the size-of-source effect and instrument effective field of view that affected some of the results.