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Natural organic matter in the Nordic countries: Characterisation of Sampling sites and Reverse osmosis Isolates of DOM

Vitenskapelig foredrag
Eksterne nettsted
Rolf David Vogt
Rolf David Vogt, Dag Olav Andersen, Kevin Bishop, Nicholas Clarke, Tone Charlotte Gadmar, Egil T. Gjessing, Jan Mulder, Mike Starr


The main tasks of the NOMiNiC project (Natural Organic Matter in the Nordic countries; see http://www.kjemi.uio.no/envir/nominic/) is to study the physiochemical characteristics of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and provide reverse osmosis (RO) spring and fall isolates of surface water natural organic matter (NOM) from 5 Nordic forested sites that differ mainly in atmospheric S-loading and climate. Hydrophobic and hydrophilic fractions are hypothesized to be more easily defined and have distinct different chemical characteristics than the total sample. A XAD-8 fractionation may then be used as a simple proxy for the physico-chemical properties of NOM. Both XAD-8 fractions and the total DOM sample have been base and metal titrated. Enhanced understanding of the significance of the numerous operationally defined parameters describing NOM will be achieved through a common multi-dimensional characterisation of the same set of isolates, that span a large spectre of the variation found in DOM. 7 institutes are already collaborating in characterizing the RO isolates using a large range of techniques and new participants are invited. In this presentation the 5 sampling sites are described and some results of the characterisation of the RO isolates are presented