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First report of Dinophysis tripos bloom in Norwegian coastal waters

Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Eksterne nettsted
Torbjørn Martin Johnsen, Evy Rigmor Lømsland


The Norwegian Food Safety Authority has since 1992 monitored the Norwegian coast for potentially toxic HAB species. About 50 localities, covering the whole Norwegian coast from the eastern part of the Skagerrak to the Barents Sea, are now sampled weekly, from mid January to the mid of December. Several institutions are involved in the monitoring. Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA) is monitoring the Norwegian west coast and the northern coastal areas. During 2009 Dinophysis tripos was observed for the first time in Norwegian waters. It first appeared in four different localities at the west coast in mid August and a week later in the Norwegian Sea (northern Norway). During the following weeks it was detected weekly in these areas, and at the end of September it was also registered in the Barents Sea region. Paired cells were frequently detected indicating that Dinophysis tripos actually was growing in Norwegian waters.