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Jannike Falk-Petersen, Margrethe Aanesen
Coupling survey data with drift model results suggests that local spawning is important for Calanus finmarchicus production in the Barents Sea
Kristina Øie Kvile, Øyvind Fiksen, Irina Prokopchuk, Anders Frugård Opdal
Hydroxylated polychlorinated biphenyls decrease circulating steroids in female polar bears (Ursus maritimus)
Lisa Gustavson, Tomasz Maciej Ciesielski, Jenny Bytingsvik, Bjarne Styrishave, Martin Hansen, Elisabeth Lie
Seasonal variation in feed intake under constant temperature and natural photoperiod in the green sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis)
Sten Ivar Siikavuopio, Jørgen Schou Christiansen, Bjørn-Steinar Sæther, Trine Dale
On Fell bundles over inverse semigroups and their left regular representations
Erik Christopher Bedos, Magnus Dahler Norling
Developing a Physiologically Based Toxicokinetic (PBTK) Model for Arctic Fish Species
Gregory Langlois, Ian Edhlund, Knut-Erik Tollefsen, Peter Van den hurk
Strategies to enhance the resilience of Sámi reindeer husbandry to rapid changes in the Arctic
Svein, D. Mathiesen, Bjørn Alfthan, Robert W. Corell, Ravdna Biret Marja Eira, Inger Marie Gaup Eira, Anna Degteva
Langtidseffekt av tynnsjikt-tildekking med aktivt kull på testfelt i Grenlandsfjordene - Tilstand til bunnfauna ni år etter tiltak
Hilde Cecilie Trannum
The Arctic 2050- Emerging Leaders Presentation at Arctic Frontiers 2013
Jannike Falk-Petersen
Multiple exposure routes of a pesticide exacerbate effects on a grazingmayfly
Mathias J S Pristed, Mirco Bundschuh, Jes Jessen Rasmussen
The effect of tryptophan supplemented diets on brain serotonergic activity and plasma cortisol under undisturbed and stressed conditions in grouped-housed Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus
Catarina I.M. Martins, Patricia Silva, Benjamin Costas, Bodil K. Larsen, Goncalo Santos, Luís E.C. Conceição
Spatial Structure and Climatic Adaptation in African Maize Revealed by Surveying SNP Diversity in Relation to Global Breeding and Landrace Panels
Ola Tveitereid Westengen, Paul Ragnar Berg, Matthew Peter Kent, Anne Krag Brysting
Coupling between stress coping style and time of emergence from spawning nests in salmonid fishes: Evidence from selected rainbow trout strains (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Madelene Åberg-Andersson, Uniza Wahid Khan, Øyvind Øverli, Hans Magnus Gjøen, Erik Höglund
On the numerous concepts in invasion biology
Jannike Falk-Petersen, Thomas Bøhn, Odd Terje Sandlund
The Holocene separation of Jersey from France: the microfossil evidence
Chiara Consolaro, Malcom Hart, Christopher Smart
Sluttrapport for prosjektet: Isocyansyres (ICAs) egenskaper som mulig problemkjemikalie i norsk olje- og gassindustri
Raymond Olsen, Mikolaj Jankowski, Syvert Thorud, Yngvar Thomassen, Dag Ellingsen, Pål Molander
Policy and governance for sustaining livelhihoods and natural resources in small farms - A case study in Karnataka
Seema Purushothaman, Iswar Patil, Ierene Francis, Ingrid Nesheim
Ecosystem-based governance in the Arctic - Does legal coherence really matter?
Froukje Maria Platjouw
Varmgang i torv
Sissel Ranneklev
Occurrence of microcystins in freshwater bodies in Southern Mozambique.
Olivia Pedro, Thomas Rundberget, Elisabeth Lie, Dacia Correia, Janneche U Skaare, Knut G Berdal