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Havet svelger CO2
Richard Bellerby, Henning Jensen
The Automated Marine pH Sensor (AMpS): a high precision continuous spectrophotometric method for seawater pH measurements
Richard Bellerby, Are Olsen, Truls Johannessen, Peter Croot
Progress of COSMOS (CO2 sending method for ocean storage) and OACE (Ocean abyssal carbon experiment)
Izuo Aya, Sadahiro Namie, Kenji Yamane, Ryuji Kojima, Yasuhara Nakajima, Hideyuki Shirota
A high precision spectrophotometric method for on-line shipboard seawater pH measurements:the automated marine pH sensor (AMpS)
Richard Bellerby, Are Olsen, Truls Johannessen, Peter Croot
Fôring av elg - erfaringer fra Stor-Elvdal kommune
Hege Gundersen
Interdisciplinary research - A prerequisite for eco-relevant knowledge innovation
Rolf David Vogt
Om elgpåkjørsler og elgfôring - erfaringer og forskningsresultater fra Evenstad
Hege Gundersen
The copepod Calanus finmarchicus: A promising cold-water model species for ecotoxicity and environmental genomics related to oil exposure.
Bjørn Henrik Hansen, Dag Altin, Anders Johny Olsen, Liv Guri Faksness, Kristin Fløgstad Degnes, Trond Røvik Størseth
Effects of dispersed oil on the copepod Calanus finmarchicus.
Bjørn Henrik Hansen, Dag Altin, Trond Nordtug, Kristin Fløgstad Degnes, Håvard Sletta, Knut Erik Tollefsen
Genomics Tools to identify biological effects of Chemicals.
Knut Erik Tollefsen, Bjørn Henrik Hansen
Geographical precision of cultural monuments - results from a project in Ringerike municipality.
Ragnar Braata, Tom Hammerstad, Øystein Vaagan, Hege Gundersen
Project Moose - traffic in Stor-Elvdal 2000-2004 � how to avoid moose-vehicle accidents on roads and railway lines.
Torstein Storaas, Knut Barnholdt Nicolaysen, Hege Gundersen, Barbara Zimmermann
Rovvilt og Samfunn (RoSa). Det skandinaviske ulveprosjektet – SKANDULV. Oversikt over gjennomførte aktiviteter i 2000-2004
Hans Chr. Pedersen, Petter Wabakken, Jon Martin Arnemo, Scott Brainerd, Henrik Brøseth, Hege Gundersen
EUTROPIA - Watershed EUTROphication management through system oriented process modelling of Pressures, Impacts and Abatement actions
Rolf David Vogt
Developing an autonomous high precision pH sensor for high quality pH profiling of the water column and fCO2 measurements from ships of opportunities, "Autonomous Biogeochemical Measurements in the Ocean"
Truls Johannessen, Richard Bellerby, Abdirahman Omar, Are Olsen, Ingunn Skjelvan
Water chemistry through Forested acid sensitive watersheds - N2O emissions from N saturated subtropical forest in South China
Rolf David Vogt
Ocean pathways as seen by tracers and transport of carbon in the Nordic Seas
Truls Johannessen, Marie-José Messias, Anders Olsson, Emil Jeansson, Richard Bellerby, Are Olsen
Underway pH measurements during EISENEX ANT XVIII/2
Richard Bellerby, Ingunn Skjelvan, Solveig Barbro Kringstad
Geochemical characterization of the upper and lower aquifer system in the coastal area, Tanzania
Said Suleiman Bakari, Per Aagaard, Rolf David Vogt, Fridtjov Ruden, Said Ali Vuai
The Romerike moose population � area use after the Gardermoen development
Leif Kastdalen, Hege Gundersen