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Linking environmental flows to sediment dynamics
Diego García De Jalón, Martina Bussettini, Massimo Rinaldi, Gordon Grant, Nikolai Friberg, Ian G. Cowx
NIVA is frontrunner in the tech race - Modern and innovative methods for environmental monitoring
Jan-Erik Thrane
Environmental fate and effects of novel quorum sensing inhibitors that can control biofilm formation
Lillicrap Adam, Ailbhe Macken, Wennberg AC, Grung Merete, Rubdberget Jan Thomas, Fredriksen Lene
Using a chain of models to predict health and environmental impacts in Norway from a hypothetical nuclear accident at the Sellafield site
A Liland, OC Lind, J Bartnicki, JE Brown, JE Dyve, Mikhail Iosjpe
Why scale is vital to plan optimal Nature-Based Solutions for resilient cities
MG Hutchins, D Fletcher, A Hagen-Zanker, H Jia, L Jones, H Li
Anthropogenically impacted lake catchments in Denmark reveal low microplastic pollution
Emilie Kallenbach, Nikolai Friberg, Amy Lusher, Dean Jacobsen, Rachel Hurley
Kollsnes prosessanlegg. Oppfølgende miljø undersøkelser 2023. Ferskvann
Birger Skjelbred, Anders Hobæk, Kirstine Thiemer, Petra Thea Mutinova
Undersøkelse av forurensede sedimenter ved Westcon Yards AS i Florø
Jarle Håvardstun
Advances in Bioaccumulation Assessments of Transformed Nanomaterials Under Environmental Relevant Conditions
Sebastian Kühr, Brian Sinnet, Marco Kipf, Ralf Kaegi, Ralph A. Sperling, Karl Andreas Jensen
Technical report on environmental conditions and possible leak scenarios in the North Sea
Guttorm Alendal, Marius Dewar, Alfatih Mohammed A Ali, Evgeniy Yakushev, Helge Avlesen, Baixin Chen
D 1.2 Workshop and workshop report on how to establish and nurture MARG for constructive engagement in water – agriculture - environmental conflict related issues
Cors van den Brink, Alma de Vries, Ingrid Nesheim
Removal of antimicrobial resistance from wastewaters by a novel compact decentralized disinfection system.
Carsten Ulrich Schwermer, Trond Ingebretsen
Environmental Flows (EF) in IWRM - with reference to the hydropower regulated Glomma River in Norway and Sesan River in Vietnam/Cambodia
Dag Berge, David N. Barton, K.N Dang, Ingrid Nesheim
Environmental Fate of Nano- and Small Microplastics in Aqueous Environments
Kylling Mauring Mauring, Stefani Piarulli, Andy Booth, Hoda Daneshvar, Bettie Maria Chloé Cormier, Martin Wagner
Forslag til overvåkingslokaliteter for etablering av referanseverdier for økologiske kvalitetselementer i ferskvann. Fase 3: elver og innsjøer
Ann Kristin Schartau, Robert Abelsen, Gunnar Halvorsen, Anders Hobæk, Stein W Johansen, Svein Erik Sloreid
First records, rediscovery and compilation of deep-sea echinoderms in the middle and lower continental slope of the Mediterranean Sea
Ariadna Mecho, David S.M. Billett, Eva Ramirez Llodra, Jacopo Aguzzi, Paul A. Tyler, Joan B. Company
Nettverk for biologisk mangfold i ferskvann – samlerapport 2010. Atna- og Vikedalsvassdragene
Odd Terje Sandlund, Terje Bongard, Pål Brettum, Anders Gravbrøt Finstad, Arne Fjellheim, Godtfred A. Halvorsen
Analyses of polyaromatic compounds (PACs) and metals in sediment and mussels near Kubal aluminium smelter
Merete Grung, Per Holmlund, Linnea Johannesson, Sondre Meland, Ailbhe Macken
Evaluation of a small calcification plant specialized for calcium dosing by pH requirements in small rivers
Rolf Høgberget
Shifts Between Sugar Kelp and Turf Algae in Norway: Regime Shifts or Fluctuations Between Different Opportunistic Seaweed Species?
Hartvig Christie, Guri S Andersen, Trine Bekkby, Camilla W Fagerli, Janne K Gitmark, Hege Gundersen