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Stakeholder Multi-Actor Reference Groups (MARGs) met for the 3rd time to jointly discuss preliminary modelling results
Ivana Korn Korg, Ingrid Nesheim, Marek Gielczewski, Michael Strauch, Dominika Krzeminska, Anne Marie Eurie Forio
Land use change and coastal water darkening drive synchronous dynamics in phytoplankton and fish phenology on centennial timescales
Anders Martin Frugård Opdal, Christian Lindemann, Tom Andersen, Dag Olav Hessen, Øyvind Fiksen, Dag Lorents Aksnes
In silico and experimental screening platform for characterizing environmental impact of industrial development in the Arctic – an overview of the project EXPECT
Samantha Eslava Martins, Gary S. Caldwell, Ian Edhlund, Anita Evenset, Tania Gomes, Bjørn Henrik Hansen
In silico and experimental screening platform for characterizing environmental impact of industrial development in the Arctic – an overview of the project EXPECT
Samantha Eslava Martins, Gary S. Caldwell, Ian Edhlund, Anita Evenset, Tania Gomes, Bjørn Henrik Hansen
Future drinking water levels of nitrosamines and nitramines near a CO2 capture plant (FuNitr)
Cathrine Brecke Gundersen, Magnus Dahler Norling, Francois Clayer, Aina Charlotte Wennberg, Armin Wisthaler, Massimo Cassiani
Land use change and coastal water darkening drive synchronous dynamics in phytoplankton and fish phenology on centennial time scales
Anders Martin Frugård Opdal, Christian Lindemann, Øyvind Fiksen, Dag Olav Hessen, Tom Andersen, Dag Lorents Aksnes
Tracking freshwater browning and coastal water darkening from boreal forests to the Arctic Ocean
Anders Martin Frugård Opdal, Christian Lindemann, Øyvind Fiksen, Dag Olav Hessen, Tom Andersen, Dag Lorents Aksnes
Land use change and coastal water darkening drive synchronous dynamics in phytoplankton and fish phenology on centennial time scales
Anders Martin Frugård Opdal, Christian Lindemann, Øyvind Fiksen, Dag Olav Hessen, Tom Andersen, Dag Lorents Aksnes
Does Perceived Nuisance Abundance of Water Plants Match with Willingness-to-Pay for Removal? Contrasts Among Different User Categories
Jan Vermaat, Kirstine Thiemer, Bart Immerzeel, Susanne Claudia Schneider, Keneilwe Sebola, Julie Coetzee
Assessment of fine and coarse tyre wear particles along a highway stormwater system and in receiving waters: Occurrence and transport
Elly Lucia Gaggini, Maria Polukarova, Mia Bondelind, Elisabeth Rødland, Ann-Margret Strömvall, Yvonne Andersson-Sköld
Soil application potential of post-sorbents produced by co-sorption of humic substances and nutrients from sludge anaerobic digestion reject water
Jolanta Turek-Szytow, Justyna Michalska, Agnieszka Dudło, Pawel Krzeminski, Anne Luise Ribeiro, Bożena Nowak
Optimal growth conditions of the haptophyte Chrysochromulina leadbeateri causing massive fish mortality in Northern Norway
Mathias Fon, Luka Supraha, Tom Andersen, Silvio Uhlig, Bente Edvardsen
Overvåking i referanseelver Oppsummering av data for perioden 2017-2023
Tor Erik Eriksen, Jan-Erik Thrane, Knut Marius Myrvold, Merete Grung, Rolf David Vogt, Gaute Velle
Water quality issues caused by zinc and gas supersaturation during simulated well boat operations of Atlantic salmon
Linda Andersen, Ivar Rønnestad, Alf Seljenes Dalum, Silje Stensby-Skjærvik, Kåre Segadal, Ole-Kristian Hess-Erga
Correction to: Warm and cold temperatures limit the maximum body length of teleost fishes across a latitudinal gradient in Norwegian waters (Environmental Biology of Fishes, (2022), 105, 10, (1415-1429), 10.1007/s10641-022-01270-4)
Charles Patrick Lavin, Cesc Gordó-Vilaseca, Mark John Costello, Zhiyuan Shi, Fabrice Stephenson, Arnaud Grüss
Utslepp av kjølevatn til Idsefjorden frå planlagt datasenter på Jørpeland. Konsekvensvurdering for marint miljø
Lars Gunder Golmen, Mats Gunnar Walday, Anfisa Berezina, Pipatthra Saesin
Occurrence of Ultrashort-Chain PFASs in Australian Environmental Water Samples
Sara Ghorbani Gorji, Rachel Mackie, Pritesh Prasad, Emma Knight, Xuan Qu, Suzanne Vardy
Comparing likely effectiveness of urban Nature-based Solutions worldwide: The example of riparian tree planting and water quality
Michael Hutchins, Yueming Qu, Isabel Seifert-Dähnn, Gregor Levin
Low levels of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) detected in drinking water in Norway, but elevated concentrations found near known sources
Merete Grung, Dag Øystein Hjermann, Thomas Rundberget, Kine Bæk, Cathrine Thomsen, Helle Katrine Knutsen
Variations of Drinking Water Quality Influenced by Seasons and Household Interventions: A Case Study from Rural Maharashtra, India
Isabel Seifert-Dähnn, Ingrid Nesheim, Sambita Gosh, Rutuja Dhawde, Appasaheb Ghadge, Aina C Wennberg