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Towards a future without stocking: harvest and river regulation determine long-term population viability of migratory salmonids
Chloe Rebecca Nater, Marlene Wæge Stubberud, Øystein Ole Gahr Langangen, Atle Rustadbakken, S. Jannicke Moe, Torbjørn Ergon
Assessment of human exposure to selected pesticides in Norway by wastewater analysis
Nikolaos I. Rousis, Emma Gracia-Lor, Malcolm J Reid, Jose Antonio Baz-Lomba, Yeonsuk Ryu, Ettore Zuccato
Unraveling the Relationship between the Concentrations of Hydrophobic Organic Contaminants in Freshwater Fish of Different Trophic Levels and Water Using Passive Sampling
Foppe Smedes, Jaromír Sobotka, Tatsiana P Rusina, Pavla Fialová, Pernilla Carlsson, Radovan Kopp
Interannual Variabilities of Nutrients and Phytoplankton off the Changjiang Estuary in Response to Changing River Inputs
Jianzhong Ge, Shenyang Shi, Jie Liu, Yi Xu, Changsheng Chen, Richard Bellerby
Understanding the occurrence and fate of microplastics in coastal Arctic ecosystems: The case of surface waters, sediments and walrus (Odobenus rosmarus)
Pernilla Carlsson, Cecilie Singdahl-Larsen, Amy L. Lusher
An integrated biological effects assessment of the discharge water into the Sunndalsfjord from an aluminium smelter
Steven Brooks, Tania Gomes, Merete Grung, Karina Petersen, Ailbhe Macken
Inequitable distribution of plastic benefits and burdens on economies and public health
Rachel Karasik, Nancy E. Lauer, Anne-Elisabeth Baker, Niki E. Lisi, Jason A. Somarelli, William C. Eward
Evaluating main factors controlling aluminum solubility in acid forest soils, southern and southwestern China
Jingheng Guo, Xiaoshan Zhang, Rolf David Vogt, Jinsong Xiao, Dawei Zhao, Renjun Xiang
Polar organic chemical integrative samplers as an effective tool for chemical monitoring of surface waters – Results from one-year monitoring in France
B. Mathon, M. Ferreol, A. Togola, S. Lardy-Fontan, A. Dabrin, Ian Allan
Evaluating the impact of accounting for coral cover in large-scale marine conservation prioritizations
Ans Vercammen, Jennifer McGowan, Andrew T Knight, Shinta Pardede, Efin Muttaqin, Jill Harris
Plastic sources: A survey across scientific and grey literature for their inventory and relative contribution to microplastics pollution in natural environments, with an emphasis on surface water
Silvia Galafassi, Luca Nizzetto, Pietro Volta
Climatic effects on a cold stenotherm species Lepidurus arcticus (Branchiopoda, Notostraca) on the southern outreach of its distribution range
Tore Qvenild, Eirik Fjeld, Arne Fjellheim, Sigurd Rognerud, Åsmund Tysse
Line ferries and cargo ships for the monitoring of marine contaminants of emerging concern: Application along a Europe-Arctic transect
Miroslav Brumovský, Jitka Bečanová, Ondřej Sáňka, Katharina Bjarnar Løken, Didier Ludovic Baho, Kai Sørensen
Relating environmental pressures to littoral biological water quality indicators in Western Balkan lakes: Can we fill the largest gaps?
Jan E. Vermaat, Vera Biberdžić, Vjola Braho, Biljana Budzakoska Gjoreska, Magdalena Cara, Zamira Dana
Identification of algal growth inhibitors in treated waste water using effect-directed analysis based on non-target screening techniques
Zuzana Tousova, Jean Froment, Peter Oswald, Jaroslav Slobodnik, Klara Hilscherova, Kevin V Thomas
The organic pollutant status of rivers in Bosnia and Herzegovina as determined by a combination of active and passive sampling methods
Christopher Harman, Merete Grung, Jasmina Djedjibegovic, Aleksandra Marjanovic, Eirik Fjeld, Hans Fredrik Veiteberg Braaten
Investigation of the effect of microplastics on the UV inactivation of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in water
Kyriakos Manoli, Andrea Naziri, Iakovia Ttofi, Costas Michael, Ian Allan, Despo Fatta-Kassinos
Prosjekt Elg - trafikk i Stor-Elvdal 2000-2004. Hvordan unngå elgpåkjørsler på vei og jernbane?
Torstein Storaas, Knut Nicolaysen, Hege Gundersen, Barbara Zimmermann
Salinity and oxygen conditions in Drammensfjorden
Andre Staalstrøm
Dissolution of limestone powders in limed salmon rivers
Atle Hindar, Liv Bente Skancke