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Modelling resource utilisation of temporally irregular and spatially autocorrelated GPS data of red deer
Barbara Zimmermann, Hege Gundersen, Arne Hjeltnes, Jostein Sageie, Olav Rosef
Improvement of aquaculture management practice by integration of hydrodynamic modelling
H.A. Urke, K. Daae, H. Viljugrein, I. Kandal, A. Staalstrøm, P.A. Jansen
Short-term rainfall limits cyanobacterial bloom formation in a shallow eutrophic subtropical urban reservoir in warm season
Anqi Luo, Huihuang Chen, Xiaofei Gao, Laurence Carvalho, Yuanyuan Xue, Lei Jin
Using a chain of models to predict health and environmental impacts in Norway from a hypothetical nuclear accident at the Sellafield site
A Liland, OC Lind, J Bartnicki, JE Brown, JE Dyve, Mikhail Iosjpe
Effects of Bark Beetle Disturbance on Soil Nutrient Retention and Lake Chemistry in Glacial Catchment
Filip Oulehle, Richard F Wright, Miroslav Svoboda, Radek Bace, Karel Matejka, Jiri Kana
Why do regional biogeochemical models produce contrasting future projections of primary production in the Barents Sea?
Erik Askov Mousing, Ingrid Ellingsen, Solfrid S. Hjøllo, Berengere Husson, Morten D. Skogen, Philip Wallhead
Analysis of continuous measurements outside The QUARZ Corp, Drag, Tysfjord – report of measurements done in 2014
Dag Øystein Hjermann, Andre Staalstrøm, Anders Gjørwad Hagen, Odd Arne Segtnan Skogan
Annual report 2009 for environmental monitoring around AF Miljøbase Vats
Astri J.S. Kvassnes, Anders Hobæk, Torbjørn Martin Johnsen, Mats Walday, Andrew Kvassnes Sweetman, Hege Gundersen
Potential for cumulative effects of human stressors on fish, sea birds and marine mammals in Arctic waters
Jesper H Andersen, Fabio Berzaghi, Tom Christensen, Ole Geertz-Hansen, Anders Mosbech, Andy Stock
Marine ecological baselines and environmental impact assessment studies in the Sudanese coastal zone. A review
Jonny Beyer, Andre Staalstrøm, Bente Margrethe Wathne, Rihab Kamal Omer, Siddig Eissa Ahmed
Can sea urchin grazing of kelp forests in the Arctic make rocky shore systems more vulnerable to oil spills?
Hartvig Christie, Trine Bekkby, Kjell Magnus Norderhaug, Jonny Beyer, Nina Mari Jørgensen
Remote, autonomous real‑time monitoring of environmental DNA from commercial fish
Brian K Hansen, Magnus W Jacobsen, Anne Lise Middelboe, Christina M. Preston, Roman Marin III, Dorte Bekkevold
Progress of COSMOS (CO2 sending method for ocean storage) and OACE (Ocean abyssal carbon experiment)
Izuo Aya, Sadahiro Namie, Kenji Yamane, Ryuji Kojima, Yasuhara Nakajima, Hideyuki Shirota
Annual report 2014 for environmental monitoring at AF Miljøbase Vats
Jonny Beyer, Anders Hobæk, Bjørnar Beylich, Torbjørn Martin Johnsen
Simulated tides in the Oslofjord – Three different designs of the Moss Harbor
Karina Bakkeløkken Hjelmervik, Andre Staalstrøm, Svend Erik Nordby
Seasonal Variability of the Carbonate System and Air–Sea CO2 Flux in the Outer Changjiang Estuary, East China Sea
Jing Liu, Richard Bellerby, Xiaoshuang Li, Anqiang Yang
Biogeochemical structure of the Laptev Sea in 2015-2020 associated with the River Lena plume
Lina Xie, Evgeniy Yakushev, Igor Semiletov, Andrey Grinko, Ivan Gangnus, Anfisa Berezina
Mixture effects in samples of multiple contaminants – An inter-laboratory study with manifold bioassays
Rolf Altenburger, Martin Scholze, Wibke Busch, Beate I Escher, Gianina Jakobs, Martin Krauss
The impact of rainfall events on dissolved oxygen concentrations in a subtropical urban reservoir
Anqi Luo, Huihuang Chen, Xiaofei Gao, Laurence Carvalho, Hongteng Zhang, Jun Yang
Microplastic variability in subsurface water from the Arctic to Antarctica
Svetlana Pakhomova, Anfisa Berezina, Amy Lusher, Igor Zhdanov, Ksenia Silvestrova, Peter Zavialov