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Complex interactions between direct and indirect effects of ocean warming on recovery of kelp beds, Northern Norway.
Hartvig C Christie, Eli Rinde, Trine Bekkby, Hege Gundersen, Camilla With Fagerli, Hans Kristian Strand
Sustainable governance of river basins with Hydropower production - hva er det og hvordan kan det skapes?
Audun Ruud, Berit Köhler, Peggy Zinke, Ingrid Nesheim, Atle Harby
Development of Adverse Outcome Pathways (AOPs) for oxidative stressor-mediated reproductive effects in aquatic invertebrates
You Song, Li Xie, YeonKyeong Lee, Yetneberk Ayalew Kassaye, Dag Anders Brede, Tania Gomes
Levels of siloxanes (D4, D5, D6) in biota and sediments from the Inner Oslofjord, Norway, 2011-2014
Merete Schøyen, Sigurd Øxnevad, Dag Øystein Hjermann, Christian Mund, Thomas Böhmer, Karin Beckmann
Risikovurdering av sigevann fra eldre deponier
Knut-Erik Tollefsen
Monitoring of Ocean Acidification in Norwgian waters
Melissa Chierici, Ingunn Skjelvan, Marit Norli, Elisabeth Jones, Knut Yngve Børsheim, Siv Kari Lauvset
Comparing flow cytometry and microscopy in the quantification of vital aquatic organisms in ballast water
Louis Peperzak, Eva-Maria Zetsche, Stephan Gollasch, Luis Felipe Artigas, Simon Bonato, Véronique Créach
PAH body burden and biomarker responses in mussels (Mytilus edulis) exposed to produced water from a North Sea oil field: Laboratory and field assessments
Rolf Sundt, Daniela M. Pampanin, Merete Grung, Janina Baršienė, Anders Ruus
Water Column Monitoring of the Biological Effects of Produced Water from the Ekofisk Offshore Oil Installation from 2006 to 2009
Steven Brooks, Christopher Peter Harman, Merete Grung, Eivind Farmen Finne, Anders Ruus, Sjur Vingen
Biomarker responses in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) exposed to produced water from a North Sea oil field: Laboratory and field assessments
Rolf Sundt, Anders Ruus, Henrik Jonsson, Halldóra Skarphédinsdóttir, Sonnich Meier, Merete Grung
Endocrine Modulation in Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua L.) Exposed to Alkylphenols, Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons, Produced Water, and Dispersed Oil
Knut-Erik Tollefsen, Rolf Sundt, Jonny Beyer, Sonnich Meier, Ketil Hylland
Benthic ecosystem functioning beneath fish farms in different hydrodynamic environments
Andrew Kvassnes Sweetman, Karl Norling, Carina Gunderstad, Barbro Taraldset Haugland, Trine Dale
Betydelig redusert utslipp fra prosessindustrien i Norge - Sanntids miljøovervåkning. Rapport fra forprosjekt.
Stephen John Sayfritz, Merete Schøyen, Atle Hindar
Integrating semantic technologies in environmental risk assessment: A vision.
Erik Bryhn Myklebust, Ernesto Jimenez-Ruiz, Raoul Wolf, Zofia Czyczula Rudjord, Knut-Erik Tollefsen
Use of (15)-labelled nitrogen deposition to quantify the source of nitrogen in runoff at a coniferous-forested catchment at Gardsjon, Sweden
O. Janne Kjønaas, Richard F. Wright
The effects of increased CO2 on postsmolt Atlantic salmon Salmo salar growth, physiology and stress responsiveness
Sara Calabrese, Tom Ole Nilsen, Sveinung Fivelstad, Harald Rune Takle, Camilla Diesen Hosfeld, Lars O.E. Ebbesson
Non-target screening with high-resolution mass spectrometry: Critical review using a collaborative trial on water analysis
Emma L. Schymanski, Heinz P. Singer, Jaroslav Slobodnik, Ildiko M. Ipolyi, Peter Oswald, Martin Krauss
A novel DNA biosensor using a ferrocenyl intercalator applied to the potential detection of human population biomarkers in wastewater
Zhugen Yang, Marc Angles d'Auriac, Sean Goggins, Barbara Kasprzyk-Hordern, Kevin V Thomas, Christopher G. Frost
Combined statistical and mechanistic modelling suggests food and temperature effects on survival of early life stages of Northeast Arctic cod (Gadus morhua)
Leif Christian Stige, Øystein Langangen, Nathalia A. Yaragina, Frode Bendiksen Vikebø, Bjarte Bogstad, Geir Ottersen
Amplification of DNA in sediment cores to detect historic Planktothrix occurrence in three Norwegian lakes
Marcia Kyle, Sigrid Haande, Jørn Henrik Sønstebø, Thomas Rohrlack