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Cyanobakterier og cyanotoksiner i norske drikkevannskilder. Vitenskapelig uttalelse fra faggruppen for forurensning, naturlige toksiner og medisinrester i Vitenskapskomiteen for mat og miljø
Ingunn Anita Samdal, Andreas Ballot, Nana Yaa Boahene, Gunnar Sundstøl Eriksen, Daniel Flø, Sigrid Haande
Overvåking av langtransportert forurenset luft og nedbør. Årsrapport – Vannkjemiske effekter 2019 Monitoring long-range transboundary air pollution. Water chemical effects 2019
Øyvind Aaberg Garmo, Liv Bente Skancke
Disinfection by-products and ecotoxicity of ballast water after oxidative treatment - Results and experiences from seven years of full-scale testing of ballast water management systems
Stephanie Delacroix, Christian Vogelsang, August E.Dessen Tobiesen, Helge Liltved
Comparing three approaches to estimating optimum white water kayak flows in Western Norway
Peggy Zinke, Dag Sandvik, Ingrid Nesheim, Isabel Seifert-Dähnn
Long-term changes in the water chemistry of arctic lakes as a response to reduction of air pollution: Case study in the Kola, Russia
Tatiana Ivanovna Moiseenko, Marina Ivanovna Dinu, Maria Mihailovna Bazova, Heleen de Wit
ICT-enabled learning experiences for improved urban stormwater management
Isabel Seifert-Dähnn, Line Johanne Barkved
The influence of littoral on mercury bioaccumulation in a humic lake
Markus Lindholm, Heleen de Wit, Tor Erik Eriksen, Hans Fredrik Veiteberg Braaten
The SOLUTIONS project: Challenges and responses for present and future emerging pollutants in land and water resources management
Werner Brack, Rolf Altenburger, Gerrit Schüürmann, Martin Krauss, David López Herráez, Jos van Gils
Biogeochemical consequences of an oxygenated intrusion into an anoxic fjord
Svetlana Pakhomova, Hans Fredrik Veiteberg Braaten, Evgeny Yakushev, Jens Skei
Using drones to accuratel map life under water.
Henry Simmons, Kasper Hancke
The Quantitative Analysis of Water Mass during Winter on the East China Sea Shelf Using an Extended OMP Analysis
Xiaoshuang Li, Philip Wallhead, Richard Bellerby, Jing Liu, Anqiang Yang
Recolonization by heterotrophic bacteria after UV irradiation or ozonation of seawater; a simulation of ballast water treatment
Ole-Kristian Hess-Erga, Bente Blomvågnes-Bakke, Olav Vadstein
Haptophyte taxonomy
Bente Edvardsen, Wenche Eikrem
Climate change and DNOM in aquatic environment - The biogeochemistry of Dissolved Natural Organic Matter
Rolf David Vogt
Harmful haptophyte blooms in Norway - bloom dynamics and ecology, with special focus on the Chrysochromulina leadbeateri blooms
Bente Edvardsen, Luka Supraha, Elianne Dunthorn Egge, Uwe John
MIB-producing cyanobacteria (Planktothrix sp.) in a drinking water reservoir: Distribution and odor producing potential
Ming Su, Jianwei Yu, Junzhi Zhang, Hui Chen, Wei An, Rolf David Vogt
Relative importance analysis of a refined multi-parameter phosphorus index employed in a strongly agriculturally influenced watershed
Bin Zhou, Rolf David Vogt, Xueqiang Lu, Chong-Yu Xu, Liang Zhu, Xiaolong Shao
Establishment and validation of an amended phosphorus index: Refined phosphorus loss assessment of an agriculture watershed in Northern China
Bin Zhou, Rolf David Vogt, Chong-Yu Xu, Xue-qiang Lu, Hongliang Xu, Bishnu Prasad Joshi
Causes and consequences of increased levels of humic substances in surface waters
Rolf David Vogt
The technological development of drinking water treatment plants in the Czech Republic
Geir Orderud, Petr Porcal, Bjørnar Eikebrokk, Jiří Sláma, Rolf David Vogt, Josef Hejzlar