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Water Flow Requirements of Post-smolt Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.) Reared in Intensive Seawater Flow-through Systems: A Physiological Perspective
Sara Calabrese, Albert K. D. Imsland, Tom Ole Nilsen, Jelena Kolarevic, Lars O.E. Ebbesson, Camilla Diesen Hosfeld
IWA congress 2022: Handling Stormwater in Water Wise Cities.
Bent C. Braskerud, Line Johanne Barkved, Ingvild Skumlien Furuseth, Yvona Holbein, Marie Langsholt Holmqvist, Stina K. Karlstrøm
Differences in Trophic Level, Contaminant Load, and DNA Damage in an Urban and a Remote Herring Gull (Larus argentatus) Breeding Colony in Coastal Norway
Ellen Kristine Keilen, Katrine Borgå, Helene Skjeie Thorstensen, Ketil Hylland, Morten Helberg, Nicholas Alexander Warner
Innovative reference materials for method validation in microplastic analysis including interlaboratory comparison exercises
Elena Martínez Francés, Bert van Bavel, Rachel Hurley, Luca Nizzetto, Svetlana Pakhomova, Nina Tuscano Buenaventura
Why is the multiple stressor concept of relevance to radioecology?
B Salbu, H C Teien, O C Lind, K E Tollefsen
Water table fluctuations and soil biogeochemistry: An experimental approach using an automated soil column system
Fereidoun Rezanezhad, Raoul-Marie Couture, Radmila Kovac, David OConnell, Philippe Van Cappellen
Measures to achieve improved hygienic water quality for recreational activities in storm runoff water and city rivers – pre-project to identify research needs
Ingun Tryland, Trond Mæhlum, Aina Charlotte Wennberg, Adam Paruch, Rebekka Krystad, Lisa Paruch
Acid rain in China
Thorjørn Larssen, Espen Lydersen, Dagang Tang, Yi He, Jixi Gao, Haijing Liu
Screening new PFAS compounds 2018
Linda Hanssen, Dorte Herzke, Vladimir Nikiforov, Børge Moe, Torgeir Nygård, Jiska Joanneke van Dijk
Analyses of selected organic contaminants and metals in drinking bottles. Technical report.
Pawel Marian Rostkowski, Hilde Thelle Uggerud, Mikael Harju, Vladimir Nikiforov, Anders Borgen, Alfhild Kringstad
Integrated Monitoring Program on Acidification of Chinese Terrestrial Systems
Rolf David Vogt, Jinshong Xiao
Integrated Water Resources Management in Myanmar. Water usage and introduction to water quality criteria for lakes and rivers in Myanmar. Preliminary report.
Marit Mjelde, Andreas Ballot, Thida Swe, Tor Erik Eriksen, Ingrid Nesheim, Toe Toe Aung
Sources of uncertainty in assessment of marine phytoplankton communities
Karsten Mikael Dromph, Susana Agusti, Alberto Basset, Javier Franco, Peter Henriksen, John Icely
Mobilisation of river transported colloidal aluminium in estuaries and subsequent deposition on fish gills - sodium silicate as countermeasure
Hans-Christian Teien, Frode Kroglund, Brit Salbu
Regional assessment of the current extent of acidification of surface waters in Europe and North America
Kari Austnes, Julian Aherne, Jens Arle, Marina Čičendajeva, Suzanne Couture, Jens Fölster
Discharge from NCC’s snow melting barge at the AkerhuskaiaReduced temperatures in Oslofjord
Torulv Tjomsland, Magdalena Kempa, Sissel Brit Ranneklev
Water quality and its effects on aquaculture operations
Bjørn Olav Rosseland, Trond Rosten, Brit Salbu, Torstein Kristensen, Åse Åtland, Lene Sørlie Heier
Climate mitigation and intensified forest management in Norway: To what extent are surface waters safeguarded?
Frode Sundnes, Marianne Karlsson, Froukje Maria Platjouw, Nicholas Clarke, Øyvind Kaste, Salar Valinia
The future of European water management: Demonstration of a new WFD compliant framework to support sustainable management under multiple stress
Annette Baattrup-Pedersen, Søren Erik Larsen, Jes Jessen Rasmussen, Riis Tenna
An integrated model for assessing the risk of TCE groundwater contamination to human receptors and surface water ecosystems
Ursula S. McKnight, Simon G Funder, Jes Jessen Rasmussen, MIchael Finkel, Phillip Binning, Poul L Bjerg