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Tackling the Challenging Determination of Trace Elements in Ultrapure Silicon Carbide by LA-ICP-MS
Davide Spanu, Alessandro Palestra, Veronica Prina, Damiano Monticelli, Simone Bonanomi, Sandro Usseglio Nanot
Trends in soil water composition at a heavily polluted site - effects of decreased S-deposition and variations in precipitation
Rolf David Vogt, Hans Martin Seip, Hege Orefellen, Gunnar Skotte, Christina Irgens, Jan Tyszka
Dynamic Modeling and Target Loads of Sulfur and Nitrogen for Surface Waters in Finland, Norway, Sweden, and the United Kingdom
Maximilian Posch, Julian Aherne, Filip Moldan, Chris D Evans, Martin Forsius, Thorjørn Larssen
No additional stress of sublethal gas supersaturation in a landlocked population of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) exposed to environmental acidification
Erik Höglund, Lifen Zhou Loland, Rolf Høgberget, Peter Vilhelm Skov, Gaute Velle
Are our dynamic water quality models too complex? A comparison of a new parsimonious phosphorus model, SimplyP, and INCA-P
Leah Amber Jackson-Blake, James Edward Sample, Andrew J. Wade, Rachel C. Helliwell, Richard A. Skeffington
Repeatability and reproducibility of the RTgill-W1 cell line assay for predicting fish acute toxicity
Melanie Fischer, Scott E Belanger, Pascale Berckmans, Mary J Bernhard, Ludek Bláha, Diana E Coman Schmid
Microplastics in road dust – characteristics, pathways and measures
Christian Vogelsang, Amy Lusher, Mona Eftekhar Dadkhah, Ingrid Sundvor, Muhammad Umar, Sissel Brit Ranneklev
Monitoring of β-d-Galactosidase Activity as a Surrogate Parameter for Rapid Detection of Sewage Contamination in Urban Recreational Water
Ingun Tryland, Henrik Braathen, Aina C Wennberg, Fasil Eregno, Anna-Lena Beschorner
Integrated Water Resources Management – Capacity Building in Myanmar Year: 2013
Bente Margrethe Wathne, Håkon Thaulow, Dag Berge, Rainer Lichtenthaler, Tomas Adler Blakseth, Anne Bjørkenes Christiansen
Forekomst av organiske miljøgifter i overvann Organic micropollutants in storm water runoff
Tor Gunnar Jantsch, Oddvar Lindholm, Frode Hult, Kristian Strand
Influence of ricefield agrochemicals on the ecological status of atropical stream
Jes Jessen Rasmussen, Emilie Marie Reiler, Elisabeth Carazo, Jessie Matarrita, Alejandro Muñoz, Nina Cedergreen
Ecotoxicological impact of highway runoff using brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) as an indicator model
Sondre Meland, Brit Salbu, Bjørn Olav Rosseland
Possible future scenarios for two major Arctic Gateways connecting Subarctic and Arctic marine systems: I. Climate and physical-chemical oceanography
Kenneth F. Drinkwater, Naomi Harada, Shigeto Nishino, Melissa Chierici, Seth L. Danielson, Randi Brunvær Ingvaldsen
Hydrological pulses and burning of dissolved organic carbon by stream respiration
Benoît O.L. Demars
Water chemistry trends and biological state after termination of lake liming in Hedmark county
Øyvind Aaberg Garmo, Stein Ivar Johnsen, Tor Erik Eriksen, Jarl Eivind Løvik, Kjetil Olstad
Kollsnes gas terminal. Environmental surveillance 2018: Freshwaters
Anders Hobæk, Marit Mjelde, Birger Skjelbred
Sodium silicate as alternative to liming-reduced aluminium toxicity for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in unstable mixing zones
Hans-Christian Teien, Frode Kroglund, Åse Åtland, Bjørn Olav Rosseland, Brit Salbu
The conserved Phe GH5 of importance for hemoglobin intersubunit contact is mutated in gadoid fish
Øivind Andersen, Maria Rosa, Prakash Yadav, Davide Pirolli, Jorge Fernandes, Paul Ragnar Berg
Expert Assessment of Risks Posed by Climate Change and Anthropogenic Activities to Ecosystem Services in the Deep North Atlantic
Claire W Armstrong, Godwin K Vondolia, Naomi Foley, Lea-Anne Henry, Katherine Needham, Adriana M Ressurreição
Optimising dietary fatty acids and lipids of Atlantic salmon to secure their health and welfare through varying environmental conditions and life stages [OptiHealth]
Bente Ruyter, Nini Sissener, Esmail Lutfi Royo, Bjørg Kristine Hundal, Gerd Marit Berge, Brett Glencross