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Luca Nizzetto, Harald Bonaventura Borchgrevink
Processing and exploitation of multisensor optical data for coastal water applications - The HIGHROC project
Kevin Ruddick, Carsten Brockmann, Véronique Créach, Liesbeth De Keukelaere, David Doxaran, Rodney Forster
GOTM-Lake: A model for lake physics coupled to the FABM framework
Karsten Bolding, Raoul-Marie Couture, Jorn Bruggeman, Don Pierson, Dennis Trolle, Eleanor Jennings
Marin kartlegging etter håndbok 19 og NiN – hva er gjort, hvor finnes data, hva mangler, hva er nytt med NiN og hvordan kartlegge etter NiN
Trine Bekkby
Estimation of cocaine consumption in the community: a critical comparison of the results from three complimentary techniques
Malcolm James Reid, Katherine Langford, Merete Grung, Hallvard Gjerde, Ellen Johanna Amundsen, Jørg Mørland
Retrieval of Aerosol and Marine Parameters in Coastal Waters from MERIS Data: The OC-SMART Algorithm
Knut Stamnes, Y. Fan, Wei Li, Børge Hamre, Are Folkestad, Kai Sørensen
Detecting agricultural practices using ENVISAT ASAR DualPol and Radarsat-2 QuadPol data
Dan Johan Weydahl, Hans Olav Eggestad, Lillian Øygarden, Kai Sørensen
Retrieval of Aerosol and Marine Parameters in High-Latitude Coastal Waters from MERIS Data: The OC-SMART Algorithm
Knut Stamnes, Fan Yongzhen, Li Wei, Børge Hamre, Øyvind Frette, Are Folkestad
Using internal data processing capacity to enhance the information output from acoustic transmitter tags
Jo Arve Alfredsen, Martin Føre, Aage Grønningsæter, Torstein Kristensen, Henning Andre Urke
Havet tar opp CO2!
Gisle Nondal, Are Olsen
Tarefarmer kan fôre Norge - Store anlegg for dyrking av tare langt tilhavs, kan gjøre Norge selvforsynt med mat, medisiner og drivstoff
Hartvig C Christie, Jorunn Skjermo
From data to decision making: assessing the benefits of restoring marine ecosystems
Hazel Thornton, Chris McOwen, Trine Bekkby, Sara Pruckner, Sabine Horn, Marta Coll
The Nature Index: A new method to integrate expert knowledge and data on species to measure state and trends of ecosystems and across ecosystems
Signe Nybø, Gregoire Certain, Olav Skarpaas, Jarle W. Bjerke, Erik Framstad, Markus Lindholm
El-bil eller diesel-bil
Rolf David Vogt, Lasse Fridstrøm, Sigrid Sollund
Å grønnvaske et OL
Kathinka Fürst
Molecular versus morphological data for benthic diatoms biomonitoring in Northern Europe freshwater and consequences for ecological status
Bonnie Bailet, Agnès Bouchez, Alain Franc, Jean-Marc Frigerio, François Keck, Satu Maaria Karjalainen
Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks’ (SAON) Roadmap for Arctic Observing and Data Systems (ROADS)
Sandy Starkweather, Jan R. Larsen, Eva Kruemmel, Hajo Eicken, David Arthurs, Alice C. Bradley
Trade-offs for data-limited fisheries when using harvest strategies based on catch-only models
Jessica C. Walsh, Cóilín Minto, Ernesto Jardim, Sean C. Anderson, Olaf P. Jensen, Jamie Afflerbach
From Ecotoxicology to Ecology to Data Science and Statistics: What ecotoxicologists can learn from other disciplines – and vice verca
Raoul Wolf
Human activities and resultant pressures on key European marine habitats: An analysis of mapped resources
Thanos Dailianis, Christopher J. Smith, Nadia Papadopoulou, Vasilis Gerovasileiou, Katerina Sevastou, Trine Bekkby