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Measuring the sink for carbon dioxide in the North Atlantic from ships of oppportunity: the CAVASSOO project
Andrew Watson, Richard Bellerby, P. Ciais, Truls Johannessen, K. Körtzinger, N. Lefévre
Instumentation for in Situ and Autonomous Monitoring of the Marine Carbon Dioxide System
Are Olsen, Richard Bellerby, Truls Johannessen, M. DeGrandpre, Ingunn Skjelvan, Abdirahman Omar
The Carbon cycle in the Nordic Seas, a perspective
Truls Johannessen, Leif G. Andersson, Richard Bellerby, Eva Falck, Eystein Jansen, Are Olsen
Development of a deep water pH sensor for the COSMOS
Richard Bellerby, Truls Johannessen
Interactions - what is it and how can we present it graphically?
Hege Gundersen
Spectrophotometric seawater pH in the Weddell and Norwegian Seas: A new tool for monitoring carbon uptake by the ocean
Richard Bellerby, Are Olsen, Truls Johannessen
Gene expression in haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) from clean and polluted locations in the North Atlantic
Nicolai Bølling, Bjørn Skei, Knut-Erik Tollefsen, Tor Fredrik Holth, Ketil Hylland
Winter movements of moose
Barbara Zimmermann, Harry P. Andreassen, Hege Gundersen, Torstein Storaas, Michael Dötterer
Om ansvarlege grunneigarar - ei ulveenkje og overlevande elgkalvar
Torstein Storaas, Hege Gundersen, Knut Nicolaysen, Harry Peter Andreassen, Jon Martin Arnemo, Ole Knut Steinset
En tåre på TV. Anmeldelse av Anders Johansens bok Talerens Troverdighet. Tekniske og kulturelle betingelser for politisk retorikk
Hege Gundersen
GPS collars with remote download facilities, for studying the economics of moose hunting and moose-wolf interactions
Barbara Zimmermann, Torstein Storaas, Petter Wabakken, Knut Nicolaysen, Ole Knut Steinset, Michael Dötterer
The management of moose in an area with predators, traffic, and forestry
Hege Gundersen
NOM increase in Northern European Source Waters: Impacts on coagulation/contact filtration processes
Bjørnar Eikebrokk, Rolf David Vogt, Helge Liltved
Induction of vitellogenin synthesis in an Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) hepatocyte culture: a sensitive in vitro bioassay for the oestrogenic and anti-oestrogenic activity of chemicals
Jørgen Stenersen, Knut-Erik Tollefsen, Roger Mathiesen
Visual cues as determinants of perceptual range in root voles Microtus oeconomus
Harry Peter Andreassen, Erik Bjørnbom, Rine G. Carlsen, Gry Gundersen, Hege Gundersen
Soil, soil water and stream water chemistry at some Polish sites with varying acid deposition
Rolf David Vogt, Stefan Godzik, Marek Kotowski, M Niklinska, Luchan Pawlowski, Hans Martin Seip
Aluminium solubility in the various soil horizons in an acidified catchment
Sjur Andersen, Nils Damm Christophersen, Jan Mulder, Hans Martin Seip, Rolf David Vogt
Soil-water studies from a lysimeter grid at the HUMEX site
Tone Charlotte Mykkelbost, Rolf David Vogt
Aluminium species in an acid rain impacted area of Norway
Rolf David Vogt, Hans Martin Seip, Sjur Andersen
Lindemann et al. (2015) Physiological constrains on Sverdrup’s Critical Depth Hypothesis: The influences of dark respiration and sinking
Christian Lindemann