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A novel in situ system to evaluate the effect of high CO2 on photosynthesis and biochemistry of seaweeds
N. Korbee, N.P. Navarro, M. García-Sánchez, P.S. Celis-Plá, E. Quintano, M.S. Copertino
Production of Micro and Nanoplastic Reference Materials
Elena Martínez Francés, Anastasia Georgantzopoulou, Svetlana Pakhomova
Naturtyper i Norge - Teoretisk grunnlag, prinsipper for inndeling og definisjoner. Naturtyper i Norge versjon 1.0 Artikkel 1
Rune Halvorsen, Tom Andersen, Hans H. Blom, Arve Elvebakk, Reidar Elven, Lars Erikstad
Community structure and biodiversity of the benthic megafauna at the inactive hydrothermal site Mohn's Treasure, on the Mohn's Ridge, Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge (AMOR)
Emil Paulsen, Torkild Bakken, Eva Ramirez-Llodra, Geir Johnsen
Potensiale for økt materialgjenvinning av tekstilavfall og andre avfallstyper (papir/papp, metall og glass)
Kirsi Laitala, Ingun Grimstad Klepp, Nick Morley, Torill Meistad, Adrian Chapman, Wenting Chen
Kristin Margrethe Flornes, Lars Gunder Golmen, Nils Anders Røkke, Harald Johansen
Investigations on the uptake and fate of nanostructural polystyrene in the freshwater mussel Corbicula fluminea
Sebastian Kuehr, Boris Meisterjahn, Nicola Schröder, Indra Hering, Burkhardt Knopf, Doris Völker
Bioaccumulation Assessment of Micro and Nano Plastics in Bivalves Using Fluorescent Dyed Particles
Sebastian Kuehr, Christian Schlechtriem
Preliminary investigations on the bioaccumulation assessment of nano- and microplastics in invertebrate organisms
Sebastian Kuehr, Christian Schlechtriem
Sulfidized silver nanoparticles in abiotic and biotic compartments - A mesocosm study
George Metreveli, Sandra Kurtz, Katrin Leuthold, Sebastian Kuehr, Christian Schlechtriem, Gabriele Schaumann
Investigations on the uptake pathway and accumulation of silver from manufactured silver nanoparticles in the freshwater amphipod Hyalella azteca
Sebastian Kuehr, Jessica Klehm, Christian Schlechtriem
Fate and effect of manufactured nanomaterials in the aquatic food chain
Richard Zeumer, Sebastian Kuehr, Isabela Ticianelli Lopes, Victor Galhano, Marta Monteiro, Susanna Loureiro
Bioavailability and Bioaccumulation of silver nanoparticles in the Rainbow Trout Oncorhynchus mykiss
Lara Hermsen, Richard Zeumer, Sebastian Kuehr, Burkhardt Knopf, Boris Meisterjahn, Ralf Kaegi
Bioaccumulation of PFOS and GenX in the benthic freshwater amphipod Hyalella azteca
Carolin Mueller, Sebastian Kuehr, Caren Rauert, Dirk Maletzki, Christian Schlechtriem
Ökotoxikologie & Nanomaterialien in der Umwelt /Ecotoxycology & Nanomaterials in the environment
Sebastian Kuehr
Temporal and along-shelf distribution of the larval fish assemblage at Gran Canaria, Canary Islands
Marta Moyano, Santiago Hernández-León
Intra- and interannual variability in the larval fish assemblage off Gran Canaria (Canary Islands) over 2005–2007
Marta Moyano, Santiago Hernández-León
Larval fish abundance and distribution during the late winter bloom in the Canary Island waters
Marta Moyano, J.M. Rodríguez, Santiago Hernández-León
Standard metabolism and growth dynamics of laboratory-reared larvae of Sardina pilchardus
Marta Moyano, Susana Garrido, Alexandra Teodósio, Myron A. Peck
Larval fish distribution and retention in the Canary Current system during the weak upwelling season
Marta Moyano, J.M. Rodriguez, Verónica María Benítez-Barrios, Santiago Hernández-León