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Preclassification of Broadband and Sparse Infrared Data by Multiplicative Signal Correction Approach
Hafeez Ur Rehman, Valeria Tafintseva, Boris Zimmermann, Johanne Heitmann Solheim, Vesa Virtanen, Rubina Shaikh
Estimating Atterberg limits of soils from reflectance spectroscopy and pedotransfer functions
Maria Knadel, Hafeez Ur Rehman, Nastaran Pouladi, Lis Wollesen de Jonge, Per Moldrup, Emmanuel Arthur
Pee, poo and parasitic protists - what is living inside the fish we eat?
Janina Fuss, Estelle Grønneberg, Torbjørn Gylt, Marit Markussen Bjorbækmo, Jean-Francois Mangot, Kamran Shalchian-Tabrizi
Skin darkening, a potential social signal in subordinate arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus): the regulatory role of brain monoamines and pro-opiomelanocortin-derived peptides
Bengt Erik Høglund
Determination of low levels of an antioxidant in polyolefins by large volume injection temperature-programmed packed capillary liquid chromatography
Pål Molander, Karina Haugland, Dag Roar Hegna, Espen Ommundsen, Elsa Lundanes, Tyge Greibrokk
Enrichment of large sample volumes in temperature-programmed packed capillary liquid chromatography
Pål Molander, Espen Ommundsen, Elsa Lundanes, Tyge Greibrokk
Modelling transport and transformation of mercury fractions in heavily contaminated mountain streams by coupling a GIS-based hydrological model with a mercury chemistry model
Yan Lin
Hypenation of packed capillary liquid chromatography
Inge A. Bruheim, Pål Molander, Roger Trones, Elsa Lundanes, Tyge Greibrokk
Determination of retinoids by packed-capillary liquid chromatography with large-volume on-column focusing and temperature optimization
Pål Molander, Thomas Erik Gundersen, Carsten Haas, Tyge Greibrokk, Rune Blomhoff, Elsa Lundanes
Modeling mercury pollution transport and transformation in mine waste contaminated mountain streams by coupling a GIS based hydrological model with a mercury chemistry model
Yan Lin
The ecology of the Barents Sea under climate variation
Dag Øystein Hjermann, Leif Christian Stige
The influence of total organic carbon (TOC) on the relationship between acid neutralizing capacity (ANC) and fish status in Norwegian lakes
Espen Lydersen, Thorjørn Larssen, Eirik Fjeld
Identification of pools of mercury in a typical mercury mining area in Wanshan, Guizhou, China – Fractionation of mercury in water, soil and sediment
Yan Lin
Effect of ocean acidification and increased DOC supply on Arctic pelagic marinemicrobial communities
Anna Silyakova, Helene Frigstad, Tron Frede Thingstad, Jorun Egge, Runar Thyrhaug, Richard Bellerby
Seasonal and long-term variations in seston elemental ratios in two time-series in the Norwegian Coastal Current
Helene Frigstad
Seasonal and long-term variations in seston elemental ratios in two time-series in the Norwegian coastal current
Helene Frigstad
Separation of ceramides by temperature-programmed packed capillary liquid chromatography with large-volume on-column focusing
Anders Holm, Pål Molander, Elsa Lundanes, Tyge Greibrokk
Seston stoiciometry: What is the composition of seston?
Helene Frigstad, Tom Andersen, Dag Hessen, Richard Bellerby
Aspects and applications of non-aqueous high temperature packed capillary liquid chromatography
Pål Molander, Roger Trones, Karina Haugland, Tyge Greibrokk
The active use of temperature for controlling retention in LC
Tyge Greibrokk, Elsa Lundanes, Roger Trones, Pål Molander, Thomas Andersen, Inge A. Bruheim