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Quantification of an AOP network for UV radiation by statstical and causal probabilistic modelling
Jannicke Moe, Yang Cao, Riccardo De Bin, Knut-Erik Tollefsen, You Song
Polychaetesin Norwegian ports: Uncovering diversity in coastal anthropogenic environments and assessing cryptogenic and non—indigenous species
Maria Capa, Torkild Bakken, Arne Nygren, Eivind Oug
ØKOKYST – DP Norskehavet Sør (I). 2018 report.
Hilde Cecilie Trannum, Camilla With Fagerli, Lars Gunder Golmen, Wenche Eikrem, Andre Staalstrøm
ØKOKYST – DP Skagerrak. 2018 report.
Camilla With Fagerli, Hilde Cecilie Trannum, Andre Staalstrøm, Wenche Eikrem, Janne Kim Gitmark, Sabine Marty
New insights of soft bottom shallow water amphipods from the Azores
Luiz F. Andrade, Juan Pardo, Ana C. Costa
Screening Programme 2020, Part 1 and 2: Plastic Additives and REACH Compounds
Martin Schlabach, Bert van Bavel, Kine Bæk, Mona Eftekhar Dadkhah, Heidi Eikenes, Anne Karine Halse
Pore diffusion limits removal of monochloramine in treatment of swimming pool water using granular activated carbon
Bertram Skibinski, Christoph Götze, Eckhard Worch, Wolfgang Uhl
Vannøkologiske undersøkelser i vannområde Nea i 2012
Morten Andre Bergan, Hans Mack Berger
The red queen race between parasitic chytrids and their host, planktothrix: A test using a time series reconstructed from sediment DNA
Marcia Kyle, Sigrid Haande, Veronika Ostermaier, Thomas Rohrlack
DNA barcoding the genus Chara: Molecular evidence recovers fewer taxa than the classical morphological approach
Susanne Claudia Schneider, Anuar Rodrigues, Therese Fosholt Moe, Andreas Ballot
Aquatic macrophyte survey in Høltjern and Kruggerudtjern 2015
Marit Mjelde
Survey of oxbow lakes and ponds on flood plains and delta areas in Hedmark county
Marit Mjelde, Tor Erik Eriksen, Hanne Edvardsen
Vannøkologiske undersøkelser i vannområde Nordre Fosen i 2013
Morten Andre Bergan
The Polychaete fauna associated with the Arctic Loki’s Castle vent field
Jon Anders Kongsrud, Tom Alvestad, Eivind Oug, Nataliya Budaeva, Torkild Bakken, Katrine Kongshavn
Three new species of Asclerocheilus (Polychaeta: Scalibregmatidae) from the Norwegian Sea
Danny Eibye-Jacobsen, Jon Anders Kongsrud, Eivind Oug
Seasonal dynamics of algae-infecting viruses and their inferred interactions with protists
Sandra Gran Stadniczeñko, Anders Kristian Krabberød, Ruth-Anne Sandaa, Sheree Yau, Elianne Dunthorn Egge, Bente Edvardsen
Multi-level governance of food waste: Comparing Norway, Denmark and Sweden
Julia Szulecka, Nhat Strøm-Andersen, Lisa Scordato, Eili Skrivervik
The nature of the land: the Dukuduku forest and the Mfolozi flats, KwaZulu-Natal
Knut Gunnar Nustad, Frode Sundnes
Special delivery: scavengers direct seed dispersal towards ungulate carcasses
Sam Steyaert, Shane Frank, Stefano Puliti, Rudy Badia, Mie P. Arnberg, Jack Beardsley
Our Arctic Challenge (film)
Gunnar Sander