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Abundance and removal of antibiotic resistant E. coli from urban wastewater in case of two Norwegian wastewater treatment plants
Carsten Ulrich Schwermer, Pawel Konrad Krzeminski, Wolfgang Uhl
Stream Macroinvertebrates and Carbon Cycling in Tangled Food Webs
Benoît Olivier Laurent Demars, Joanna Lynn Kemp, Baptiste Marteau, Nikolai Friberg, Barry Thornton
A new automated method for isolation of Chlamydia trachomatis from urine eliminates inhibition and increases robustness for NAAT systems
Marc Anglès d'Auriac, Unn Hilde Refseth, Mari Espelund, Harald Moi, Gunnar Størvold, Stig Jeansson
Assessment of leakage of PAH and heavy metals from contaminated sediments in the Inner Ranfjord
Sigurd Øxnevad, Oddvar Røyset, Morten Schaanning
Ecological status in the county Sogn and Fjordane 2014
Maia Røst Kile
A mesocosm experiment on methyl mercury formation after capping of U-864 sediments enriched with powdered algae
Kuria Ndungu, Morten Schaanning
Circulation and particle concentrations in the lower part of the Glomma River outside Borg Harbour
Andre Staalstrøm, Odd Arne Segtnan Skogan
Iron isotope fractionation in sediments of an oligotrophic freshwater lake
Kai Lui, Lingling Wu, Raoul-Marie Couture, Weiqiang Li, Philippe Van Cappellen
Overvåking av ål i Storelva og evaluering av tiltak for nedvandring forbi Fosstveit kraftverk. Resultater fra undersøkelser i 2012
Frode Kroglund, Karl Øystein Gjelland, J. Güttrup, T. Haraldstad, P. V. Hegeland, Eva Bonsak Thorstad
Aluminum toxicity in coastal and brackish waters
Frode Kroglund, Bjørn Olav Rosseland, M Kroglund, Hans-Christian Teien, Brit Salbu, Tom Hansen
Forekomst av organiske miljøgifter i overvann Organic micropollutants in storm water runoff
Tor Gunnar Jantsch, Oddvar Lindholm, Frode Hult, Kristian Strand
How to Clean and Safely Remove HF from Acid Digestion Solutions for Ultra-Trace Analysis: A Microwave-Assisted Vessel-Inside-Vessel Protocol
Marco Pinna, Arianna Signorelli, Gilberto Binda, Carlo Dossi, Laura Rampazzi, Davide Spanu
Mainstreaming adaptation in India – the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act and climate change
Hans Nicolai Adam
Seeing like the state or like pastoralists? Conflicting narratives on the governance of Sámi reindeer husbandry in Finnmark, Norway
Kathrine Ivsett Johnsen, Tor A Benjaminsen, Inger Marie Gaup Eira
Effects of chronic nitrite exposure on gonad growth in green sea urchin, Strongolycentrotus droebachiensis
Sten Ivar Siikavuopio, Trine Dale, Jørgen Schou Christiansen, Ivar Nevermo
Suppression of aggressive behaviour in juvenile Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) by l-tryptophan supplementation
Erik Höglund, Marit Jørgensen Bakke, Øyvind Øverli, Svante Winberg, Göran E. Nilsson
Current conditions in the Oslofjord. Focus on current strength along the bottom
Andre Staalstrøm, Peygham Ghaffari
Disentangling the role of sea lice on the marine survival of Atlantic salmon
Knut Wiik Vollset, Ian Dohoo, Ørjan Karlsen, Elina Halttunen, Bjørn Olav Kvamme, Bengt Finstad
Preying on seals pushes killer whales from Norway above pollution effects thresholds
Clare Margaret Andvik, Eve Jourdain, Anders Ruus, Jan Ludvig Lyche, Richard Karoliussen, Katrine Borgå
Seaweed forests are carbon sinks that may help mitigate CO2 emissions: a comment on Gallagher et al. (2022)
Karen Filbee-Dexter, Albert Pessarrodona, Carlos M. Duarte, Dorte Krause-Jensen, Kasper Hancke, Daniel Smale