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Experimental study of the permafrost thawing effect on the content of nutrients and heavy metals in seawater during abrasion destruction of the Arctic coast
Maria Petrovna Pogojeva, Evgeniy Yakushev, Ilya Nikolaevich Petrov, Evgeniy Alexandrovich Yaeski
Surveillance monitoring of large Norwegian lakes 2018. Testing of methodology for monitoring and classification of ecological status according to the Water Framework Directive.
Anne Lyche Solheim, Ann Kristin Schartau, Terje Bongard, Knut Andreas Eikland Bækkelie, Geir Dahl-Hansen, Benoît Olivier Laurent Demars
Transfer and transport of microplastics from biosolids to agricultural soils and the wider environment
Jill Crossman, Rachel R Hurley, Martyn Futter, Luca Nizzetto
Impacts of salmon lice on mortality, marine migration distance and premature return in sea trout
R M Serra Llinares, T Bøhn, Ø Karlsen, R Nilsen, C Freitas, J Albretsen
Supplemental feeding of migratory moose Alces alces: forest damage at two spatial scales
Hege Gundersen, Harry P. Andreassen, Torstein Storaas
Surface microplastics in the Kara Sea: from the Kara Gate to the 83°N
Anfisa Berezina, Svetlana Pakhomova, Igor Zhdanov, Olga Mekhova, Tatiana Polivanova, Matvei Novikov
Short-term rainfall limits cyanobacterial bloom formation in a shallow eutrophic subtropical urban reservoir in warm season
Anqi Luo, Huihuang Chen, Xiaofei Gao, Laurence Carvalho, Yuanyuan Xue, Lei Jin
Moving from the traditional paradigm of pathogen inactivation to controlling antibiotic resistance in water - Role of ultraviolet irradiation
Muhammad Umar, Felicity Roddick, Linhua Fan
Insurance engagement in flood risk reduction - examples from household and business insurance in developed countries
Isabel Seifert-Dähnn
Chitinase digestion for the analysis of microplastics in chitinaceous organisms using the terrestrial isopod Oniscus asellus L. as a model organism
Emilie Kallenbach, Rachel Hurley, Amy Lusher, Nikolai Friberg
Hidden but revealed: After years of genetic studies behavioural monitoring combined with genomics uncover new insight into the population dynamics of Atlantic cod in Icelandic waters
Christophe Pampoulie, Paul Ragnar Berg, Sissel Jentoft
Increasing the dietary n-6/n-3 ratio alters the hepatic eicosanoid production after acute stress in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
Bjørg Kristine Hundal, Nina Sylvia Liland, Grethe Rosenlund, Erik Höglund, Pedro Araujo, Ingunn Stubhaug
Improvement in municipal wastewater treatment alters lake nitrogen to phosphorus ratios in populated regions
Yindong Tong, Mengzhu Wang, Josep Peñuelas, Xueyan Liu, Hans W. Paerl, James J. Elser
Investigations related to action plans for remediation of Gunneklevfjorden. Detailed mapping of mercury and particle size distribution in water, survey no. 1.
Morten Schaanning, Bjørnar Beylich, Sabine Marty, Hans Fredrik Veiteberg Braaten
Water chemistry trends and biological state after termination of lake liming in Hedmark county
Øyvind Aaberg Garmo, Stein Ivar Johnsen, Tor Erik Eriksen, Jarl Eivind Løvik, Kjetil Olstad
Monitoring of Eutrophication in the Outer Oslofjord 2019-2023. Benthos surveys in 2019. Technical report
Siri Røang Moy
Monitoring of Lake Vestvannet and Lake Borredalsdammen in Østfold County, SE Norway, 2017.
Maia Røst Kile, Camilla Hedlund Corneliussen Hagman
Measures to achieve improved hygienic water quality for recreational activities in storm runoff water and city rivers – pre-project to identify research needs
Ingun Tryland, Trond Mæhlum, Aina Charlotte Wennberg, Adam Paruch, Rebekka Krystad, Lisa Paruch
Ecological status in river Sjoa and Vinstra 2014
Maia Røst Kile, Tor Erik Eriksen
Test fishing in five lakes at Fjorda, Oppland, before liming
Einar Kleiven