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From individuals to ecosystem: the use of biomarkers as risk indicators for operational discharges of oil and gas activity in the North Sea
Daniela Maria Pampanin, Steinar Sanni, Steven Brooks, Bjørn Einar Grøsvik, Emily Lyng
The application of graph theory and percolation analysis for assessing change in the spatial configuration of pond networks
Ian Thornhill, Lesley Batty, Matthew Hewitt, Nikolai Friberg, Mark E. Ledger
Presenting the model framework for assessing the recovery potential for different habitats and ecosystem service restoration success and the plan for a webinar on new restoration methods and best practices (MERCES WP 5).
Trine Bekkby, Guri Sogn Andersen
Parameters structuring macrophyte communities in rivers and lakes - Results from a case study in North-Central Poland
Krzysztof Szoszkiewicz, Hanna Ciecierska, Agnieszka Kolada, Susanne Claudia Schneider, Marta Szwabinska, Joanna Ruszczynska
Seasonal and scale-dependent variability in nutrient- and allelopathy-mediated macrophyte-phytoplankton interactions
Paola Lombardo, Marit Mjelde, Torsten Källqvist, Pål Brettum
An ecosystem-based modeling system for predicting oil spill impacts in the marine environment
JoLynn Carroll, Geir Morten Skeie, Bjarte Bogstad, Chris Klok, Raymond Nepstad, Jonas Juselius
Impact of habitat fragmentation and loss on coastal ecosystems and implications for sustainable management under climate change
Trine Bekkby, Martina Milanese, Harald Bonaventura Borchgrevink
The “Forgotten” Ecology Behind Ecological Status Evaluation: Re-Assessing the Roles of Aquatic Plants and Benthic Algae in Ecosystem Functioning
Susanne C. Schneider, Sabine Hilt, Jan E. Vermaat, Martyn Kelly
The Absorption of Light in Lakes: Negative Impact of Dissolved Organic Carbon on Primary Productivity
Jan-Erik Thrane, Dag Olav Hessen, Tom Andersen
A global assessment of seamount ecosystems knowledge using an ecosystem evaluation framework
Kristina Øie Kvile, Gerald Taranto, Tony J. Pitcher, Telmo Morato
Ecosystem-based management and the Nor-way to put it into practice
Gunnar Sander
Crop circles revealed spatio-temporal patterns of beaver foraging on cereal fields
Hanna Kavli Lodberg-Holm, Elise Solheim Garvik, Marte Stensby Fountain, Stefanie Reinhardt, Frank Narve Rosell
Biological effects of contaminants in pelagic ecosystems
Ketil Hylland, Thomas Lang, Dick Vethaak
The green financing of ecosystem restoration
Froukje Maria Platjouw
Social acceptance of restoration activities
Nadia Papadopoulou, Chris J. Smith, Katerina Sevastou, Rolf Groeneveld, Rob Tinch, Stephen Hynes
Description of the major ecosystems and their reference states
Signe Nybø, Bård Pedersen, Olav Skarpaas, Iulie Aslaksen, Jarle W. Bjerke, Gregoire Certain
Carbon - nitrogen interactions in forest ecosystems - Final Report
Per Gundersen, Bjørn Berg, W. S. Currie, N. B. Dise, B. A. Emmett, V. Gauci
Pål Vedeld, Astrid van Rooij, Frode Sundnes, Ivar Jørgensen
An integrated model for assessing the risk of TCE groundwater contamination to human receptors and surface water ecosystems
Ursula S. McKnight, Simon G Funder, Jes Jessen Rasmussen, MIchael Finkel, Phillip Binning, Poul L Bjerg
Climate Change effects on marine arctic ecosystems
Ingrid H. Ellingsen, Dag Slagstad, Ole Jacob Broch, Paul Wassmann, Richard Bellerby