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Large-scale changes in coastal ecosystems in Northern Norway
Hege Gundersen, Trine Bekkby, Eli Rinde, Hartvig C Christie
Adaptive management of kelp forests in the northern regions of Norway?
Marianne Karlsson, Frode Sundnes
Alterations between sugar kelp and turf/filamentous algae in Norway, regime shifts or flips back and forth between different opportunistic seaweed species?
Hartvig C Christie, Guri Sogn Andersen, Trine Bekkby, Camilla With Fagerli, Janne Kim Gitmark, Eli Rinde
Benthic ecosystem functioning beneath fish farms in different hydrodynamic environments
Andrew Kvassnes Sweetman, Karl Norling, Carina Gunderstad, Barbro Taraldset Haugland, Trine Dale
Implementation of the ecosystem service concept in water management - Challenges and ways forward
Isabel Seifert-Dähnn, Line Johanne Barkved, Eduard Interwies
Marine Spatial Planning in the North Sea- Are national legal frameworks and policies compatible enough? The case of Norway and the Netherlands
Froukje Maria Platjouw
Soil microorganisms respond to five years of climate change manipulations and elevated atmospheric CO2 in a temperate heath ecosystem
Merian Skouw Haugwitz, Lasse Bergmark, Anders Priemé, Søren Christensen, Claus Beier, Anders Michelsen
Tales from a thousand and one ways to integrate marine ecosystem components when assessing the environmental status
Angel Borja, Theo C. Prins, Nomiki Simboura, Jesper Harbo Andersen, Torsten Berg, Joao-Carlos Marques
Impact of elevated levels of CO2 on animal mediated ecosystem function: the modification of sediment nutrient fluxes by burrowing urchins
Stephen Widdicombe, Amanda Beesley, John A Berge, Sarah L. Dashfield, Caroline Louise McNeill, Hazel R. Needham
Nitrogen, organic carbon and sulphur cycling in terrestrial ecosystems: linking nitrogen saturation to carbon limitation of soil microbial processes
Jirí Kopácek, Bernard J. Cosby, Christopher D. Evans, Jakub Hruska, Filip Moldan, Filip Oulehle
Ecosystem-based marine spatial management: Review of concepts, policies, tools, and critical issues
Stelios Katsanevakis, Vanessa Stelzenmüller, Andy South, Thomas Kirk Sørensen, Peter J.S. Jones, Sandy Kerr
Dietary success of a 'new' key fish in an overfished ecosystem: evidence from fatty acid and stable isotope signatures
MG van der Bank, Anne Christine Utne-Palm, Karin Pittman, Andrew Kvassnes Sweetman, NB Richoux, V Bruchert
Response of single benthic metrics and multi-metric methods to anthropogenic pressure gradients, in five distinct European coastal and transitional ecosystems
Angel Borja, Enrico Barbone, Alberto Basset, Gunhild Borgersen, Marijana Brkljacic, Michael Elliott
Effects of sedimentation from water-based drill cuttings and natural sediment on benthic macrofaunal community structure and ecosystem processes
Hilde Cecilie Trannum, Hans Christer Nilsson, Morten Schaanning, Sigurd Øxnevad
Unified understanding of intrinsic and extrinsic controls of dissolved organic carbon reactivity in aquatic ecosystems
Martin Berggren, François Guillemette, Magdalena Bieroza, Ishi Buffam, Anne Deininger, Jeffrey A. Hawkes
The COASTFRAG LOGO, developed by the partner GAIA
Martina Milanese, Trine Bekkby
Marine conservation
Trine Bekkby
Feltarbeid i Fjæra med skoleelever
P1 NRK, Gunnar Omsted, Trine Bekkby
Presentasjon av COASTFRAG-prosjektet
Trine Bekkby
COASTFRAG - Presentasjon av arbeidet i 2021 og planer for 2022
Trine Bekkby