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Synthesis and detection of the azaspiracid marine toxins
Craig J. Forsyth, Jianyan Xu, Son T. Nguyen, Y Li, F Zhou, Y. Ding
Breaking Down the Plastic Age. In MICRO 2016. Fate and Impact of Microplastics in Marine Ecosystems
Juan Baztan, Melanie Bergmann, Andy Booth, Elisabetta Broglio, Ana Carrasco, Omer Chouinard
Identification of Fatty Acid Esters of Pectenotoxin-2 Seco Acid in Blue Mussels (Mytilus edulis) from Ireland
Alistair L. Wilkins, Nils Rehman, Christopher O. Miles, Trine Torgersen, Thomas Rundberget, Myra Keogh
The C-35 Stereochemistries for dinophysistoxin - 1 and dinophysistoxin - 2 and its consequences for binding to proteinphosphatases
Kristofer Larsen, Dirk Petersen, A.L. Wilkins, Ingunn Samdal, Morten Sandvik, Thomas Rundberget
The use of solid phase tracking (SPATT) disks in Norwegian waters. Detection of azaspiracids, and comparison with algal counts and toxin profiles in shellfish
Morten Sandvik, Thomas Rundberget, Peter Hovgaard, Lai Nguien, John A Aasen Bunæs, T. Castberg
Temperature programming in HPLC
Tyge Greibrokk, Elsa Lundanes, Pål Molander, Roger Trones, Thomas Andersen, Anders Holm
Rolf David Vogt, Alexander Håland, Christian Wilhelm Mohr, Yemane Kidanu Gebreslasse
Separation of polyethylene glycol oligomers using inverse temperature programming in packed capillary liquid chromatography
Thomas Andersen, Pål Molander, Roger Trones, Dag Roar Hegna, Tyge Greibrokk
Effect of dietary bacterial protein or L-tryptophan supplementation on welfare and growth performance in silverfox Bacterial protein and tryptophan for silver fox
Hilde Faaland Schøyen, Kirsti Rouvinen-Watt, Erik Höglund, K Peter Stone, Anders Skrede
Stimulatory and inhibitory effects of 5-HT< sub> 1A receptors on adrenocorticotropic hormone and cortisol secretion in a teleost fish, the Arctic charr (< i> Salvelinus alpinus)
Erik Höglund, Paul Balm, Svante Winberg
Applications of temperature-programmed packed capillary liquid chromatography
Thomas Andersen, Roger Trones, Pål Molander, Tyge Greibrokk, Dag Roar Hegna, Jørn Paus
A multi-generation Calanus finmarchicus culturing system for use in long-term oil exposure experiments
Louise Kiel Jensen, JoLynn Carroll, Gunnar Pedersen, Ketil Hylland, S Dahle, Torgeir Bakke
Jannike Falk-Andersson, Claire W. Armstrong, Naomi Foley, Eirik Inge Mikkelsen, Isabel Seifert, Silje Nygaard Holen
Acidified or not? A comparison of Nordic systems for classification of physicochemical acidification status and suggestions toward a harmonised system. SLU, Vatten og miljö: Rapport 2021:1
Jens Fölster, Øyvind Aaberg Garmo, Peter Erich Carlson, Richard Johnson, Gaute Velle, Kari Austnes
AMAP Litter and Microplastics Monitoring Guidelines. Version 1.0.
Eivind Farmen, Jennifer Provencher, Stefano Aliani, Julia Baak, Melanie Bergmann, Andy Booth
Airborne emissions of microplastic fibres from domestic laundry dryers
Stacey O'Brien, Elvis D. Okoffo, Jake W. O'Brien, Francisca Ribeiro, Xianyu Wang, Stephanie L. Wright
Behavioural response of brown trout (Salmo trutta) to total dissolved gas supersaturation in a regulated river
Robert J. Lennox, Kirstine Thiemer, Knut Wiik Vollset, Ulrich Pulg, Sebastian Stranzl, Cecilie Iden Nilsen
Resistant calcification responses of Arctica islandica clams under ocean acidification conditions
Yi-Wei Liu, Alan D. Wanamaker, Sarah M. Aciego, Ian Searles, Thor Arne Hangstad, Melissa Chierici
Microplastics in Arctic invertebrates: status on occurrence and recommendations for future monitoring
Bjørn Einar Grøsvik, Maria E. Granberg, Tanja Kögel, Amy Lusher, Alessio Gomiero, Halldor P. Halldorsson
Zinc concentrations in marine macroalgae and a lichen from western Ireland in relation to phylogenetic grouping, habitat and morphology
Dagmar Stengel, Ailbhe Lisette Macken, Liam Morrison, Nicholas Morley