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Every raindrop counts – Blue-green infrastructure in cities; Examples of measures based on a Study Tour to Amsterdam and Rotterdam
B C Braskerud, S Azhar, Line Johanne Barkved, Karianne de Bruin, A F Christiansen, A Fleig
Blue mussels (Mytilus edulis spp.) as sentinel organisms in coastal pollution monitoring: A review
Jonny Beyer, Norman Whitaker Green, Steven Brooks, Ian Allan, Anders Ruus, Tania Gomes
Insights from the management of offshore energy resources: Toward an ecosystem-services based management approach for deep-ocean industries
M. Emilia Bravo, Miriam Isabelle Brandt, Jesse M. A. van der Grient, Thomas Gunnar Dahlgren, Patricia Esquete, Sabine Gollner
Potensial for restaurering og reintroduksjon av ålegrasenger i Oslofjorden, og mulighetene dette kan gi for klimatilpasning, karbonopptak og lagring
Kristina Øie Kvile, Eduardo Infantes, Solrun Figenschau Skjellum, Froukje Maria Platjouw, Eli Rinde
Jomfruland national park, assessment of marine nature values
Hartvig C Christie, Eli Rinde, Janne Kim Gitmark, Mats Walday
Reevaluating the Role of Organic Matter Sources for Coastal Eutrophication, Oligotrophication, and Ecosystem Health
Anne Deininger, Helene Frigstad
Biodiversity patterns of Arctic diatom assemblages in lakes and streams: Current reference conditions and historical context for biomonitoring
Maria Kahlert, Kathleen M Ruhland, Isabelle Lavoie, Francois Keck, Emilie Saulnier-Talbot, Daniel Bogan
Terrestrial Inputs Shape Coastal Bacterial and Archaeal Communities in a High Arctic Fjord (Isfjorden, Svalbard)
Lisa-Marie Delpech, Tobias R Vonnahme, Maeve Mcgovern, Rolf Gradinger, Kim Præbel, Amanda E Poste
Using Bayesian hierarchical modelling to capture cyanobacteria dynamics in Northern European lakes
Nikolaus K Mellios, S. Jannicke Moe, Chrysi Laspidou
Effects of water browning on freshwater biodiversity: the case of the predatory phantom midge Chaoborus nyblaei
Markus Lindholm, Martin Eie, Dag Olav Hessen, Joachim Tørum Johansen, Kristoffer Weiby, Jens Thaulow
Multiple-stressor effects of warming and acidification on the embryonic development of an estuarine fiddler crab
Juan C.F. Pardo, Tânia M. Costa
Policy mixes for the sustainability transition of the pulp and paper industry in Sweden
Lisa Scordato, Antje Klitkou, Valentina Elena Tartiu, Lars Coenen
Grassroots Innovations and the Transition Towards Sustainability: Tackling the Food Waste Challenge
Valentina Elena Tartiu, Piergiuseppe Morone
Diversity and distribution of nano- and picoeukaryotes in the Southern Ocean as revealed by 454-pyrosequencing, clone libraries and microscopy
Bente Edvardsen, Lars Nersveen, Tonie Leonora Torgrimsby, Anette Engesmo, Elianne Sirnæs Egge, Wenche Eikrem
Eelgrass Zostera marina populations in northern Norwegian fjords are genetically isolated and diverse
Jeanine L Olsen, James A. Coyer, Wytze T Stam, Frithjof Emil Moy, Hartvig C Christie, Nina M. Jørgensen
Wind exposure and sediment type determine the resilience and response of seagrass meadows to climate change
Jaco C. de Smit, Muhammad S. Bin Mohd Noor, Eduardo Infantes, Tjeerd J. Bouma
Spatial economic analyses in moose management
Hege Gundersen, Barbara Zimmermann, Jos M. Milner, Gunnar Fjone, Harry P. Andreassen
Could long term shift in cod phenology be linked to terrestrial greening and coastal browning
Christian Lindemann, Christian Jørgensen, Øyvind Fiksen, Dag Lorents Aksnes
The recovery of European freshwater biodiversity has come to a halt
Peter Haase, Diana Elizabeth Bowler, Nathan J. Baker, Núria Bonada, Sami Domisch, Jaime R. Garcia Marquez Marquez
Reliability in Distribution Modeling—A Synthesis and Step-by-Step Guidelines for Improved Practice
Anders Bryn, Trine Bekkby, Eli Rinde, Hege Gundersen, Rune Halvorsen