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China-Norway capacity building project 2014 – 2019: Post-earthquake restoration and sustainable water use in the Baoxing River Basin, Ya’an in Sichuan province
Xiaogang Tian, Jo Halvard Halleraker, dag rosland, Nikolai Friberg
Green Finance Approaches to Soil Remediation : international examples
Ingvild Skumlien Furuseth
From Ecotoxicology to Ecology to Data Science and Statistics: What ecotoxicologists can learn from other disciplines – and vice verca
Raoul Wolf
Distribution and biomass of blue forests in the Nordic countries
Hege Gundersen, Hartvig C Christie, Guri Sogn Andersen, Maia Røst Kile, Eli Rinde
The Kelp Cultivation Potential in Coastal and Offshore Regions of Norway
Ole Jacob Broch, Morten Omholt Alver, Trine Bekkby, Hege Gundersen, Silje Forbord, Aleksander Handå
Nordic IPBES-like assessment of biodiversity and ecosystem services in coastal regions: Chapter 3 - Content and focus
Kasper Hancke, Kristin Magnussen, Jørund Braa
Ocean acidification: how do scientists view and handle uncertainties?
Marianne Karlsson, Jannike Falk-Andersson, Anne Katrine Normann
GIS mapping of soft bottom benthos
Hege Gundersen, Guri Sogn Andersen, Trine Bekkby
Seaweed and kelp – Norwegian use and management in grey area of governance
Frode Sundnes
Restoring rivers and floodplains: Hydrology and sediments as drivers of change
Nikolai Friberg, Lee Harrison, Matthew O'Hare, Desiree Tullos
Mapping and management of the coastal zone
Trine Bekkby
Mapping and management of the coastal zone
Trine Bekkby
Effect of terrestrial and aquatic dissolved organic matter on uptake of teflubenzuron in mussels and ascidians
Sabrina Schultze, Hilde K. Langva, Knudtzon Nina, Marios Chatzigeorgiou, Thomas Rundberget, Steven Brooks
Next generation risk assessment (NGRA): New concepts and approaches
You Song
Macro and microdebris in marine mammals from Ireland: promoting standarization of protocols and research on top predators
Amy Lusher, Gema Hernandez-Milian, Simon Berrow, Emer Rogan, Ian O'Connor
Microplastics in road dust – characteristics, pathways and measures
Christian Vogelsang, Amy Lusher, Mona Eftekhar Dadkhah, Ingrid Sundvor, Muhammad Umar, Sissel Brit Ranneklev
Ethics of Assisted Evolution in Marine Conservation
Karen Filbee-Dexter, Anna Smajdor
Urchin harvesting and kelp regrowth in northern Norway under ocean acidification and warming
Phil Wallhead, Wenting Chen, Magnus Dahler Norling, Richard Bellerby, Sam Dupont, Camilla With Fagerli
Dark N2 fixation: nifH expression in the redoxcline of the Black Sea
John B Kirkpatrick, Clara A Fuchsman, Evgeniy V Yakushev, Alexander V Egorov, James T Staley, James W Murray
N leaching from small upland headwater catchments in southwestern Norway
AMS Sjoeng, Øyvind Kaste, K Torseth, J Mulder