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Impact of early salmon louse, Lepeophtheirus salmonis, infestation and differences in survival and marine growth of sea-ranched Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., smolts 1997-2009
Ove Tommy Skilbrei, Bengt Finstad, Kurt Urdal, Gunnar O Bakke, Frode Kroglund, Rita Strand
A comparison of trends in wastewater-based data and traditional epidemiological indicators of stimulant consumption in three locations
Neil Goulding, Niel Goulding, Matthew Hickman, Malcolm Reid, Ellen J Amundsen, Jose Antonio Baz-Lomba
Anthropogenic and natural size-related selection act in concert during brown trout (Salmo trutta) smolt river descent
Tormod Haraldstad, Erik Höglund, Frode Kroglund, Esben Moland Olsen, Kate Louise Hawley, Thrond Oddvar Haugen
Five decades of declining methylmercury concentrations in boreal foodwebs suggest pivotal role for sulphate deposition
Hans Fredrik Veiteberg Braaten, Markus Lindholm, Heleen A de Wit
Kelp-carbon uptake by Arctic deep-sea food webs plays a noticeable role in maintaining ecosystem structural and functional traits
Daniel Vilas, Marta Coll, Torstein Pedersen, Xavier Corrales, Karen Filbee-Dexter, Morten Foldager Pedersen
Water Column Monitoring Research and development programme: Determining the residency of wild fish around offshore installations
Steven Brooks, Bjørnar Beylich
A Bayesian Belief Network learning tool integrates multi-scale effects of riparian buffers on stream invertebrates
Marie Anne Eurie Forio, Francis J. Burdon, Niels De Troyer, Koen Lock, Felix Witing, Lotte Baert
High levels of tire wear particles in soils along low traffic roads
Elisabeth Strandbråten Rødland, Lene Sørlie Heier, Ole Christian Lind, Sondre Meland
Estimation of ecosystem respiration and photosynthesis in supersaturated stream water downstream of a hydropower plant
Benoît Olivier Laurent Demars, Peter Dörsch
Overvåkning og fjerning av havnespy i UNESCO Magma Geopark
Enrique Blanco Gonzalez, Federico Håland Gaeta, Erling Svensen, Mana Naito, Pål Thjømøe, Ulf Tjåland
SCANDNAnet — validating and intercalibrating metabarcoding for routine use in Nordic freshwater biomonitoring
Kristian Meissner, Jukka Aroviita, Markus Majaneva, Torbjørn Ekrem, Ann Kristin Schartau, Nikolai Friberg
Floating Riverine Litter Flux to the White Sea: Seasonal Changes in Abundance and Composition
Maria Mikusheva, Maria Pogojeva, Ekaterina Kotova, Alexsander Kozhevnikov, Eleonora Danilova, Anfisa Berezina
Acclimation to various temperature and pCO2 levels does not impact the competitive ability of two strains of Skeletonema marinoi in natural communities
Charlotte L. Briddon, Maria Nicoară, Adriana Hegedüs, Adina Niculea, Richard Bellerby, Wenche Eikrem
Intensified forestry as a climate mitigation measure alters surface water quality in low intensity managed forests
Salar Valinia, Øyvind Kaste, Richard F Wright
Effects of nitrogen enrichment on zooplankton biomass and N:P recycling ratios across a DOC gradient in northern-latitude lakes
A.-K. Bergström, A. Deininger, A. Jonsson, J. Karlsson, T. Vrede
Increased energy expenditure is an indirect effect of habitat structural complexity loss
Inés Castejón-Silvo, Jorge Terrados, Thanh Nguyen, Fredrik Jutfelt, Eduardo Infantes
Can polyethylene passive samplers predict polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) uptake by earthworms and turnips in a biochar amended soil?
Ludovica Silvani, Sigurbjørg Hjartardottir, Lucie Bielská, Lucia Škulcová, Gerard Cornelissen, Luca Nizzetto
Disappearing Blue Mussels – Can Mesopredators Be Blamed?
Hartvig Christie, Patrik Kraufvelin, Lucinda Kraufvelin, Niklas Niemi, Eli Rinde
Rapid colonization of aquatic communities in an urban stream after daylighting
Didier L Baho, David Arnott, Karoline D Myrstad, Susanne C Schneider, Therese F Moe
Review and revision of empirical critical loads of nitrogen for Europe
Roland Bobbink, Christin Loran, Hilde Tomassen, Khalid Aazem, Julian Aherne, Rocío Alonso