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Towards a future without stocking: harvest and river regulation determine long-term population viability of migratory salmonids
Chloe Rebecca Nater, Marlene Wæge Stubberud, Øystein Ole Gahr Langangen, Atle Rustadbakken, S. Jannicke Moe, Torbjørn Ergon
Volcanically hosted venting with indications of ultramafic influence at Aurora hydrothermal field on Gakkel Ridge
Christopher R. German, Eoghan Reeves, Andreas Türke, Alexander Diehl, Elmar Albers, Wolfgang Bach
Genetic structuring in Atlantic haddock contrasts with current management regimes
Paul R. Berg, Per E. Jorde, Kevin A. Glover, Geir Dahle, John B. Taggart, Knut Korsbrekke
Soil acidification as an additional driver to organic carbon accumulation in major Chinese croplands
Xinmu Zhang, Jingheng Guo, Rolf David Vogt, Jan Mulder, Yajing Wang, Cheng Qian
Against all odds? Implementing ecosystem-based ocean management in the Barents Sea
Gunnar Sander
Future monitoring of litter and microplastics in the Arctic—challenges, opportunities, and strategies
Jennifer F. Provencher, Stefano Aliani, Melanie Bergmann, Madelaine Bourdages, Lene Buhl-Mortensen, Francois Galgani
Expanding projectiles for big game hunting - deformation history and tissue simulants
Lasse Botten, Sigbjørn Stokke, Jon Martin Arnemo, Torstein Storaas, Hege Gundersen, Marko Svensberg
Current efforts on microplastic monitoring in Arctic fish and how to proceed
Tanja Kögel, Bonnie M. Hamilton, Maria Granberg, Jennifer F. Provencher, Sjúrður Hammer, Alessio Gomiero
The recovery of European freshwater biodiversity has come to a halt
Peter Haase, Diana Elizabeth Bowler, Nathan J. Baker, Núria Bonada, Sami Domisch, Jaime R. Garcia Marquez Marquez
Coastal habitat mapping with UAV multi-sensor data: an experiment among DCNN-based approaches
Yi Liu, Qinghui Liu, James Edward Sample, Kasper Hancke, Arnt Børre Salberg
Disentangling the role of sea lice on the marine survival of Atlantic salmon
Knut Wiik Vollset, Ian Dohoo, Ørjan Karlsen, Elina Halttunen, Bjørn Olav Kvamme, Bengt Finstad
From DNA to biomass: opportunities and challenges in species quantification of bulk fisheries products
Brian Klitgaard Hansen, Gregory Kevin Farrant, Rob Ogden, Emily Humble, Guðbjörg Ólafsdóttir, Dorte Bekkevold
Landscape features control river's confluences water quality and tributary fish composition
Rachel Bowes, Eva Bergman, Serena Donadi, Larry Greenberg, Leonard Sandin, Lovisa Lind
The effect of scent-marking, forest clearing, and supplemental feeding on moose-train collisions
Harry P. Andreassen, Hege Gundersen, Torstein Storaas
Overvåkning og fjerning av havnespy i UNESCO Magma Geopark
Enrique Blanco Gonzalez, Federico Håland Gaeta, Erling Svensen, Mana Naito, Pål Thjømøe, Ulf Tjåland
Head in the clouds, feet on the ground: how transdisciplinary learning can foster transformative change—insights from a summer school
Sara Atienza Casas, Camille Calicis, Sebastian Candiago, Nicoloas Dendoncker, Jomme Desair, Thomas Fickel
Water Flow Requirements of Post-smolt Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.) Reared in Intensive Seawater Flow-through Systems: A Physiological Perspective
Sara Calabrese, Albert K. D. Imsland, Tom Ole Nilsen, Jelena Kolarevic, Lars O.E. Ebbesson, Camilla Diesen Hosfeld
Kelp Forest Distribution in the Nordic Region
Kristina Øie Kvile, Guri Sogn Andersen, Susanne P. Baden, Trine Bekkby, Annette Bruhn, Ole Geertz-Hansen
Environmental impact assessments in the BBNJ treaty and the implications for management of the marine Arctic
Gunnar Sander
Seasonal riverine inputs may affect diet and mercury bioaccumulation in Arctic coastal zooplankton
Nathalie Carrasco, Maeve McGovern, Anita Evenset, Janne E. Søreide, Michael T. Arts, Sofi Jonsson