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The NORMAN Association and the European Partnership for Chemicals Risk Assessment (PARC): let’s cooperate!
Valeria Dulio, Jan Koschorreck, Bert van Bavel, Paul van den Brink, Juliane Hollender, John Munthe
Nutrient criteria for surface waters under the European Water Framework Directive: Current state-of-the-art, challenges and future outlook
Sandra Poikane, Martyn G Kelly, Fuensanta Salas Herrero, Jo-Anne Pitt, Helen P Jarvie, Ulrich Claussen
Land-use dominates climate controls on nitrogen and phosphorus export from managed and natural Nordic headwater catchments
Heleen A de Wit, Ahti Lepistö, Hannu Marttila, Hannah Wenng, Marianne Bechmann, Gitte Blicher-Mathiesen
Temporal trends of mercury in Arctic biota: 10 more years of progress in Arctic monitoring
Adam D. Morris, Simon J. Wilson, Rob J. Fryer, Philippe J. Thomas, Karista Hudelson, Birgitta Andreasen
A global perspective on the application of riverine macroinvertebrates as biological indicators in Africa, South-Central America, Mexico and Southern Asia
Tor Erik Eriksen, John E Brittain, Geir Søli, Dean Jacobsen, Peter Goethals, Nikolai Friberg
Measuring riverine macroplastic: Methods, harmonisation, and quality control
Rachel Hurley, Hans Fredrik Veiteberg Braaten, Luca Nizzetto, Eirik Hovland Steindal, Yan Lin, Francois Clayer
Interlinkage Between Persistent Organic Pollutants and Plastic in the Waste Management System of India: An Overview
Paromita Chakroborty, Sarath Chandra, Malene Vågen Dimmen, Rachel Hurley, Smita Mohanty, Girija K. Bharat
Land-use change in a Nordic future towards bioeconomy: A methodological framework to compare and merge stakeholder and expert opinions on qualitative scenarios
Anne Lyche Solheim, Anne Tolvanen, Eva Skarbøvik, Bjørn Kløve, Dennis Collentine, Brian Kronvang
Inequitable distribution of plastic benefits and burdens on economies and public health
Rachel Karasik, Nancy E. Lauer, Anne-Elisabeth Baker, Niki E. Lisi, Jason A. Somarelli, William C. Eward
Berlin statement on legacy and emerging contaminants in polar regions
Ralf Ebinghaus, Elena Barbaro, Susan Bengtson Nash, Cristina de Avila, Cynthia A. De Wit, Valeria Dulio
Insurance engagement in flood risk reduction - examples from household and business insurance in developed countries
Isabel Seifert-Dähnn
Applying urban ecosystem accounting to municipal policy and planning in Oslo, Norway
Megan Sara Nowell, David Nicholas Barton, Zofie Cimburova, Zander Venter, Benno Nikolaus Dillinger
Using environmental monitoring data from apex predators for chemicals management: towards better use of monitoring data from apex predators in support of prioritisation and risk assessment of chemicals in Europe
Gabriele Treu, Jaroslav Slobodnik, Nikiforos Alygizakis, Alexander Badry, Dirk Bunke, Alessandra Cincinelli
Exploring the information base needed for sustainable management of rangeland resources for improved livelihoods
Kathrine Ivsett Johnsen, Maryam Niamir-Fuller, Abdelkader Bensada, Ann Waters-Bayer
Protection of drinking water resources from agricultural pressures: Effectiveness of EU regulations in the context of local realities
Susanne Wuijts, Jacqueline Claessens, Luke Farrow, Donnacha G Doody, Susanne Klages, Christophoros Christophoridis
Mixing apples and oranges: Assessing ecological status and its confidence from multiple and diverse indicators
Jacob Carstensen, Ciaran Murray, Mats Lindegarth
Estimating the non-market benefit value of deep-sea ecosystem restoration: Evidence from a contingent valuation study of the Dohrn Canyon in the Bay of Naples
Eamon O’Connor, Stephen Hynes, Wenting Chen
Klimaendringenes påvirkning på naturmangfoldet i Norge
Elisabet Forsgren, Per Arild Aarrestad, Hege Gundersen, Hartvig C Christie, Nikolai Friberg, Bror Jonsson
Hva påvirker variasjon i tetthet av stortare Laminaria hyperborea langs Norges kyst? En analyse fra Norskehavet sør til Skagerrak
Cecilie Smit, Trine Bekkby, Hege Gundersen, Stein Fredriksen
Fiskeundersøkelser i Osensjøen 2010 - 2011 Med tidstrender for sik og lagesild
Arne Linløkken, Sigurd Rognerud, Odd Terje Sandlund