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Individual Variations and Coping Style
Ida B Johansen, Erik Höglund, Øyvind Øverli
Nutrient fluxes from an Arctic seabird colony to the adjacent coastal marine ecosystem
Eirik Aasmo Finne, Øystein Varpe, Joël Durant, Geir W. Gabrielsen, Amanda Poste
Assessment of ecological status in the Oslo Rivers. Macroinvertebrates and fish in the watershed of River Ljanselva and the River Alna
Jens Thaulow, Jonas Persson
Variability and decadal trends in the Isfjorden (Svalbard) ocean climate and circulation – An indicator for climate change in the European Arctic
R Skogseth, L.L.A. Olivier, Frank Nilsen, E Falck, N Fraser, V Tverberg
Biogeochemical structure of the Laptev Sea in 2015-2020 associated with the River Lena plume
Lina Xie, Evgeniy Yakushev, Igor Semiletov, Andrey Grinko, Ivan Gangnus, Anfisa Berezina
Oxidative stress potential of the herbicides bifenox and metribuzin in the microalgae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
Ana Catarina Almeida, Tânia Gomes, Katherine Langford, Kevin V Thomas, Knut Erik Tollefsen
Assessment of SOC adsorption prediction in activated carbon filtration based on Freundlich coefficients calculated from compound properties
I Slavik, W Uhl, H Börnick, E Worch
The effects of multiple stressors from metals and organic micropollutants on the brown trout in Lochngar, Scotland. Historical changes in the brown trout population and the contamination load of metals and organic micropollutants and their effects
Bjørn Olav Rosseland, Sigurd Rognerud, Peter Collen, Joan Grimalt, Ingrid Vives, Jean-Charles Massabuau
Defining ecological and chemical reference conditions and restoration targets for nine European lakes
Helen Bennion, Gavin L. Simpson, N. John Anderson, Gina Clarke, Xuhui Dong, Anders Hobæk
Evaluating the use of in-situ turbidity measurements to quantify fluvial sediment and phosphorus concentrations and fluxes in agricultural streams
Marc Stutter, Julian Dawson, Miriam Glendell, Fiona Napier, Jacqueline M. Potts, James Edward Sample
Zinc and copper in pig and poultry production – fate and effects in the food chain and the environment VKM Report. Opinion of the Panel on Animal Feed of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety
Aksel Bernhoft, Carl Amundsen, Knut Rudi, Trine Aulstad Sogn, Siamak Pour Yazdankhah, Robin Ørnsrud
Local and landscape scale determinants of macroinvertebrate assemblages and their conservation value in ponds across an urban land-use gradient
Ian Thornhill, Lesley Batty, Russell G Death, Nikolai R Friberg, Mark E. Ledger
Interannual variability of the Black Sea Proper oxygen and nutrients regime: The role of climatic and anthropogenic forcing
S. Pakhomova, E. Vinogradova, Evgeny Yakushev, A. Zatsepin, G. Shtereva, V. Chasovnikov
Approaches for integrated assessment of ecological and eutrophication status of surface waters in Nordic Countries
Jesper H Andersen, Jukka Aroviita, Jacob Carstensen, Nikolai Friberg, Richard K. Johnson, Pirkko Kauppila
Addition of NaOH, limestone slurry and finegrained limestone to acidified lake water and the effects on smolts of atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)
Odd K. Skogheim, Bjørn Olav Rosseland, Frode Kroglund, Gøsta Hagenlund
Tolerance to acid water among strains and life stages of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)
Bjørn Olav Rosseland, Frode Kroglund, M. Staurnes, Kjetil Hindar, Agnar Kvellestad
The toxic mixing zone of neutral and acidic river water: Acute aluminium toxicity in brown trout (Salmo trutta L.)
P. M. Verbost, Marc Berntssen, Frode Kroglund, Espen Lydersen, H. E. Witters, Bjørn Olav Rosseland
Analysis and Interpretation of Specific Ethanol Metabolites, Ethyl Sulfate, and Ethyl Glucuronide in Sewage Effluent for the Quantitative Measurement of Regional Alcohol Consumption
Malcolm James Reid, Katherine Langford, Jørg Mørland, Kevin V Thomas
Overvåking av fisk og skalldyr i Grenlandsfjordene 2001-2002
Torgeir Heggelund Bakke, Anders Ruus, Birger Bjerkeng, Jan Atle Knudsen, Martin Schlabach, Janneche Utne Skåre
Multihapten antibody based detection of microcystins and nodularin using ELISA and immunoaffinity columns
Ingunn Anita Samdal, Kjersti Eriksen Løvberg, David Strand, Johannes Rusch, Trude Vrålstad, Andreas Ballot