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Biodegradability and Spectroscopic Properties of Dissolved Natural Organic Matter Fractions Linked to Hg and MeHg Transport and Uptake
Elena Martínez Francés, Rolf David Vogt
Stress coping style predicts aggression and social dominance in rainbow trout
Øyvind Øverli, WJ Korzan, E Hoglund, S Winberg, H Bollig, M Watt
Stress-induced changes in brain serotonergic activity, plasma cortisol and aggressive behavior in Arctic charr (< i> Salvelinus alpinus) is counteracted by l-DOPA
Erik Höglund, Paul Balm, Svante Winberg
ANCOR II processing and visualization software applied to Barents Sea ADCP and CTD data acquired by the HUGIN 1000 HUS AUV
Øyvind Tangen Ødegaard, ole petter Pedersen
Health effects and toxicokinetics of deoxynivelenol and ochratoxin A in dietary exposed Atlantic salmon
Aksel Bernhoft, Helga Rachel Høgåsen, Torfinn Moldal, Belinda Valdecanas, Lada Ivanova, Silvio Uhlig
Using standard reversed-phase packings in temperature programmed packed capillary liquid chromatography; aqueous and non-aqueous mobile phases
Roger Trones, Pål Molander, Thomas Andersen, Tyge Greibrokk
Effects on stream water chemistry and forest vitality after whole-catchment application of dolomite to a forest ecosystem in southern Norway
Atle Hindar, Richard Wright, Petter Nilsen, Thorjørn Larssen, Rolf Høgberget
Variability in the plankton production and exchange of nutrients and biomass through the European Arctic Corridor in the present and future climatic regimes
Dag Slagstad, Ingrid Ellingsen, Richard Bellerby, Paul Wassmann, Helene Frigstad, Anna Silyakova
Drivers of DNOM spatial and temporal variation
Rolf David Vogt
The King Penguin under climate changes: trend and sensitivity
Joel Marcel Durant, Céline Le Bohec, Dag Øystein Hjermann, Nils Christian Stenseth, Philippe Sunil Sabarros
Nordic seas transit time distributions and anthropogenic CO2
Are Olsen, Abdirahman Omar, Emil Jeansson, Leif G. Anderson, Richard Bellerby
Low pH and elevated Al concentrations as behavioural modifiers in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) and brown trout (salmo trutta L.)laboratory and field studies
Åse Åtland
Why and where is ocean acidification happening, why is it important and what are the implications for ecosystems and climate change?
Richard Bellerby
Climatic conditions and seabird success as indicators for the future state of the Barents Sea ecosystem
Dag Øystein Hjermann, Joel Marcel Durant, Geir Ottersen, Nils Christian Stenseth
Acid deposition and its effects in southwestern China
Hans Martin Seip, Dianwu Zhao, Jiling Xiong, Thorjørn Larssen, Liao Bohan, Rolf David Vogt
Stocking of brown trout cohorts (Salmo trutta L.) cohorts after liming-effects on survival and growth during five years of reacidification
Bjørn Torgeir Barlaup, Åse Åtland, E. Kleiven
Data series and trends on organic matter in 6 of the NOMiNOR water sources
Rolf David Vogt, Ståle Haaland, Gunnhild Riise
SinoTropia - Watershed Eutrophication management in China through system oriented process modelling of Pressures, Impacts and Abatement actions
Rolf David Vogt
Lake modelling - an interdisciplinary context
Koji Tominaga, Tom Andersen, Rolf David Vogt, Tuomo Saloranta
Radionuclides in produced water from norwegian oil and gas installations - concentrations and bioavailability
DO Eriksen, Rajdeep Singh Sidhu, Elisabeth Strålberg, K. Iden, Ketil Hylland, Anders Ruus